UI elements have been added to inspect the status of your own ship’s hull strength on the latest dev client:
Ngl that makes me somehow want this even less
They added a goddam health points bar.
What the shit.
Gaijin - remove this thing. The players have overwhelmingly rejected it, it’s not thought through and it’s just all round awful.
If the point was to “fix” scharnhorst then this isn’t the way. Find another way, don’t implement this.
This UI is also present on coastal vehicles.
Does GAIJIN think there are too many naval players and that stupid changes need to be added to keep players away?
i agree with HK remarks on how overtuned the mechanic is
also reading the thread we can clearly see what people mostly want is to make very very overpowered boats less oppressive and actually allow for some counterplay. Making every boat last 10 seconds isnt the answer but I ll want to try this if its toned down for sure.
it is probably what they should do but will they ? We never know sadly
What is this? If your goal is to kill naval harder than it already was, excellent work - this will ensure not even the most devoted players will care anymore.
Please - have a bit of awareness - not a single time in War Thunder’s history have players wanted visible healthbars. There is already a dynamic flooding system in place that is fairly realistic and works well. I’ve been part of the navy CBT, and im confident that many would even go as far as wanting the crew system to be implemented as it was back then(without %) - with each individual crewman on every gun and module modelled , although I wager this was not scrapped for gameplay but performance / implementation reasons (especially on ships as big as battleships).
In either case - the less artificial ‘gamey’ mechanics the better. This change should by all means be reverted. We already have one “healthbar” that determines if a ship has taken enough hits to not be combat viable anymore. We don’t need another one.
The weird thing about Scharnhorst is that ship has a very specific, known, documented issue: The armour angle making things automatically bounce because the game thinks it has effectively infinite thickness.
Fix that, and you solve the actual problem without making additional ones.
Is this argument still living? I thought we lost it at 5.7
Till 8.3 you don’t encounter any jet capable of one shotting a battleship.
And there is also the fact that any 7.x and below aircraft were around during the realistic service time of top battleships
I believe this is main woe of War Thunder.
Snail simply has no idea what game they’ve made, and they desperately are trying to fit every foot into one particular shoe.
It didn’t work, it doesn’t work, it won’t work.
Have they changed anything about the system itself or just added the ui?
Just a user interface for now
I completely agree. Besides this, you can simply change the combat ratings for aircraft in naval battles. As has already been done in tank and air battles
Those who not sure about what will happen.
Let’s see how Scharnhorst give death sentence to enemy battleship within two minute withhout trying to hitting citadel!
Atlanta destroys Scharnhorst)
You can see the test of this mechanic on different ships on the stream recording. I attached a link with a timecode when Atlanta destroys Scharnhorst using the new mechanic
Modules can be damaged via unarmored portions of the vessel, including but not limited to unarmored portions of the citadel.
The damage models would have to have a major change, hitpoints would need buffed, and the amount of blacked out modules would have to increase for this to be even close to a plausible idea people may like; emphasis on may, cause I don’t know if I’d like it even with major changes.
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The developer’s desire to reduce the lifetime in combat of some ships is understandable. I’m not sure if I support this, but it’s an option. Here are a few ways to make this more interesting or at least less silly.
- More aircraft and torpedo boats in high-level battles. Aviation is available for the first spawn for a small number of points. This will make the fights more dynamic.
- More dangerous fires if there is damage in the compartment. This can be justified by the fact that access and capabilities of the fire brigade are complicated in such situation.
- Fast replenishment of torpedoes for light ships in high-ranking battles. Replenishment of suspended weapons in the air above the respawn in RB.