I didn’t say she was bad, I was simply pointing out the quirk of having to do what you’ve described here. :P
Is bad, yes, I’ve been agreeing with that.
I didn’t say she was bad, I was simply pointing out the quirk of having to do what you’ve described here. :P
Is bad, yes, I’ve been agreeing with that.
No it isn’t. You forgot that this is not ground, and there are no easy one-round blowing for low DPS ships.
Also, this system is not reducing TTK, but more of reducing TTD. I’ll post video how high DPS ships extremely benefit(while they are going to suffer) under this system.
I’m thinking of quitting this game if this system is implemented. There are no reason to play this game anymore.
The dispersion changes exacerbate the breach issue. If you double a guns hit rate you halve the target’s effective health. Hits/min of the 7.0 hard hitters will be through the roof with this change, for the 14” guns especially. I’m not sure the exact relation between in game dispersion value and pattern size since it is a very complicated subject that also relates to barrel number but I suspect reducing it by a third will probably reduce 14” pattern size by half or more at common combat ranges. Fuso SAP spam and Tennessee primary/secondary HE spam I expect to be on the same or higher lethality level as the best 15” and 16” guns now.
Yeah I’m not a fan of this. This ruins just about everything fun about naval. It’s also going to be a lot more difficult without br changes.
Current queue time for naval RB today about 2 hours ago for a 6.0 match was 5 minutes.
If I wait 5 minutes with a cruiser only lineup to get uptiered against BBS … I really have no counter at all. I’m dead in 30 seconds.
What am I supposed to do in this situation? Die, go to the menu and wait to die again after spending 5 minutes in queue?
This ruins naval.
I think this mechanic was probably conceived as a way to help cruisers stand a chance against battleships, but yeah not good overall. Not often you see 96% of people saying it shouldn’t be implemented as is, it will probably drive a lot of people away and make queue times even worse, driving more people away. The line about them not wanting it to be the default way to kills ships is a bit funny given that with the current implementation I’m not sure I’d be able to kill ships the way I do now without sinking them to breach first. If they’re dead set on keeping it I would suggest that it should probably have the number of compartments needed increased to 3-4 and rather than nerf compartment health increase it by probably a quarter to a third. I think that would fulfill their stated intent without making it a horrible mechanic like it is currently.
You are supposed to have some flexibility in your lineup so you have some reserve PT boats you can take out to annoy them.
This is now a problem with the game’s engagement distance. The closer the German battleships got, the stronger they became. She is already a solid target when a German battleship appears at a distance of 12KM from you, and she is almost indestructible when he approaches within 8KM in a few minutes. You’ll need more powerful FCS and combat from at least 30KM to use heavy artillery to destroy her at long range.
Any attempt to destroy a battleship by shooting at the deck would be foolish. This essentially goes against the design of relatively modern battleships. These battleships are protected from destruction by limited heavy armor, but in the game you have to shoot areas that are not valuable enough to sink them with light artillery. According to this condition, a battleship with 4inch armor in its entire hull is the most suitable battleship for the game, while a battleship with 12 to 16inch armor only in the necessary positions lacks survivability. This is clearly the opposite of reality.
I think you should read into how devastating hits to the superstructure were to battleships irl. Cruiser gunfire would not sink a battleship however they could very quickly render a ship completely combat ineffective, leading at best the them being out of action for weeks to months as they’re repaired in a yard, or at worst leading to their sinking by heavier units. As it stands in game this is not represented at all, battleships absorb sometimes hundreds of 5-6” hits with little consequence to their combat ability or overall durability. In terms of a ship being alive in game representing its ability to continue fighting a battle the current system is less accurate to real life than the pre La Royale model where crews largely resided in the superstructure.
Well that means nothing at 30 km when you can see shells flying over you and move, or armor just bounce AP.
Longer combat range is definitely not the answer for current problems. Not even historical and making game funny as some insist.
At the moment my BB’s are getting killed by a final shot by secondaries at least as often as by primary guns
Because you can bring a ship to 0% by killing a deck mount and it registers the last shell to hit before sinking as “killing” it. Secondary shells can also slip through once the belt armor is destroyed but that relies on the main battery. But it is the big guns doing most of the work there
Putting aside that this is really a rant about existing issues/complaints, I already listed a bunch or relevant tips just barely up this same thread (always catch up on threads before posting).
First off, you’re in AB so… yeah good luck at higher tiers. The constant spotting really does massively harm one’s crucial ability to “not be too noticed” (rather like making sure to never be the first couple red names to appear in Air RB), but seeing as “play RB instead” isn’t so helpful (just as “play Japanese cruisers with torps” isn’t), let’s look at some other stuff (which, again, already covered above).
You’re firing into a group of enemies instead of the more “isolated” ones, massively increasing the odds that you’ll accidentally hit more than one (or they just see your incoming shells and mistakenly assume you’re the one hitting them) and just end up drawing far too much attention to yourself.
You are at least targeting a cruiser instead of a battleship, so that’s good (and may be why you’re firing into the group, to be fair).
You have AI gunners set to air/surface instead of air-only, meaning your gunners are going to spam wildly inaccurate secondary shells at whatever enemies they feel like, doing effectively zero damage while, again, drawing aggro onto yourself.
I can’t comment on your positioning on the map or relative to your teammates, as your minimap is zoomed in to the point of uselessness for some reason. Heck, I can’t even tell what map/mode this is. (If it’s African Gulf with its really silly spawns, then the real question is why isn’t that your banned map?)
You’re not carrying any HE for some reason? If you know you’re going to be facing things you can’t penetrate (battleships, here), make sure to bring some HE so you can at least ransack their exposed crew, secondaries, rangefinders, etc if you get sucked into a direct fight with them. AP that can’t pen is merely drastically-worse-HE, after all. (For primary guns, I personally carry “one main gun’s worth” of time-fuze shells, then the rest split 50/50 between AP/HE.
It’s hard to say much else from just a little-context screenshot (though mph and distance in feet hurts my brain).
Lets make sure to keep this topic on track going forward. This thread is for discussing the Loss of unsinkability mechanics on the dev server.
I read most of the comments and almost all of them are on the topic of unsinkability. In addition to unsinkability, there are a number of other problems that will be tightly connected to each other after the release of the mechanics in its current form. Therefore, people sometimes write off-topic
Example: the Hood battlecruiser had 25 watertight bulkheads along the entire length of the hull. He also had longitudinal bulkheads. There was a counter-flooding system (which works completely incomprehensibly in the game), etc. But now some Moffet can drown him just by spitting HE. Moreover, he will shoot at the upper part of the deck, which in reality had no effect on buoyancy at all.
I understand that it is impossible or very difficult to simulate all the compartments as they were in real life. But in its current form, the role of armor completely disappears and the need to target vulnerable areas completely disappears, you can simply shoot at the top of the deck, even the most armored battleship.
I may be wrong, but the latest mechanics that you introduced in different patches were primarily aimed at fighting Scharnhorst. But the problem is that he’s good at everything and nerfing him, you’re actually nerfing everyone else. He was the best, so he will remain the best, it’s just that now he will be destroyed faster by a cruiser than another battleship due to his low rate of fire. You need to decompress in the fleet, as this is one of the main problems. Relatively recently, I bought a premium Zheleznyakov cruiser. Then I had to buy Marat, because they always play against 6.7 - 7.0. I don’t want to destroy battleships from a cruiser or destroyer by shooting at the dining room in the deck area)) I just want to play against other cruisers or the earliest unarmored dreadnoughts. I don’t understand why you don’t want me to donate to the game?) I like the navy, but give me a chance to play it.
The loss of unsinkability is aimed for any ship larger than destroyers, and in the current state it is not the ideal solution.
The ideal solution is to introduce BR 7.7 to naval after 2 years or so of not increasing the top BR and increasing cruiser - battleship ratings accordingly to give both destroyers and cruisers breathing space
No no. At least 8.0
the argument vs higher top-BR for naval was maybe that then some jets come into action no one want to fight vs a alpha jet with his WW2 bb or cruiser
Will this mechanic make Scharnhorst no longer invincible?: Yes. But…
Will this mechanic help lessen the gap between Scharnhorst and other battleships?: No.
Will this mechanic more realistically depict the damage to the ship?: No.
Will this mechanic help change the naval combat experience for players to be more positive?: No.
Therefore, this mechanic should not be introduced into the game.