Falcon SPAA needs to be 8.0 again

Played stock falcon a bit and barely started apds research. I call it fantastic as a LT for one-shotting every single pen-able thing with the aphe including every sov mbt side while still being full auto, and acceptable as spaa. Lacking a bit of search ability but about the same effectiveness against air as Gepards, for the hilarious gepard lead indication made everyone into manual control. for the other two 8.3 AAA they are both fine. Chief MSM exchanged mobility for accurate radar lock, and ZA exchanged apds for OPness

Why are we here, just to suffer…

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screw those guys in particular. I still have not forgiven them for making my spading of the mk3 centurion literal hell a year ago

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Have you ever tried to use a ZSU-57-2 as an SPAA? It’s almost impossible unless they quite literally let go of their keyboard and mouse. It got worse after the last horizontal traverse nerf too.

I’d much rather GJ stops overtiering UK stuff for a change, everything good we get is nerfed in some stupid way or another for pathetic reasons, while there favourite nations never receive the same treatment.

I still remember the days when the Cent with its 105mm and HESH used to mess up RU tanks for fun, so GJ slapped it with an absurd repair cost and nerfed HESH whilst also raising its BR.

I would remove the APDS from the Falcon and put it in Br 7.3. The UK needs some functional SPAA above Br 5.7 and below 8.3.

The funny thing is that I try to use it as SPAA mainly, but it has happened to me quite a few times where a direct hit from the 57mm HE does not destroy an aircraft.

tbf tho i kinda agree, the belt is cracked, it has all the shells and a lot of them. so i feel like nerfing it a little and going back down to 8.0 is a decent solution, it was absolutely broken at 8.0 before.