Falcon At 7.7

then they should do the same for the VEAK and the ZSU-37-2 since they are also at 7.7

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It should keep SAP, as that would compete with ZSU-37-2 or VEAK.

If the Falcon only has SAP than the VEAK and ZSU both have more pen by 30-40mm and Radar.

The APDS (which doesn’t even get a dedicated belt) provides balance for not having Radar.

And this “balance” means the Falcon goes around murdering every other tank with zero difficulty, thus its 8.3. The APDS should be gone.

SAP has less pen than I remembered, so its fine to stay.

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It would see more heavy tanks with thick armor at 7.7 than it does at 8.3

Moving it down would actually make it less effective, and thus more balanced.

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Copium and delusions. Moving it down to 7.7 would make it see just as many IFVs and early lightly armored MBTs, except now they’re slower and less capable of reacting to a fast, small tank with fully stabilized autocannons.

The falcon is slow as dirt and made of paper, with only 3 tightly packed crew. How is this a problem at all for people to kill? Its not tiny or silent. Situational awareness may be needed here. Ive never been killed by a Falcon in any situation where almost any other similar AA would not have done the same. And if anything, the crazy 30mm SAP/APHE shell does more killing than the few APDS it gets in the belt. Memories of the M48/M60 cupola getting front penned and killing the whole turret crew…

Yeah, have fun killing a King Tiger frontally, unlike how easy it is to kill Leopards or M48 (insert almost all cold war mediums here)

Fortunately, my thread, and how people say here will eventually have an effect, and as gaijn himself wrote, they will weaken the falcon and if it fails, they will change the penetration of small caliber ammunition, so there is a chance that it will return to 7.7

They are nerfing the 30x170 APDS-T on all vehicles that include them, because of the Fox. They neglected to think that the Warrior also uses that same cannon, at 8.3, in a fatter and slower body…


Fox APDS revision:
This change involves recalculating the parameters of the APDS rounds fired by the 30 mm L21A1 cannon (and all vehicles using the 30x170 APDS-T shell as well) and consisted of the reduction of its armor penetration against both angled and flat armor. We’ve decided to postpone this alteration and not release it together with the planned Battle Rating changes. We’ll be implementing it later on as this will also affect some other small caliber APDS ammunition.

Additionally, we won’t be increasing the Battle Rating of the Fox, although it does have efficiency high enough to justify an increase. We won’t be moving it now as once the above change is implemented the efficiency of the Fox should stabilize enough to keep it at its current Battle Rating anyway.

Nothing will change. Bad players will stay bad, and find something else to blame their inadequacies on.

The falcon will do fine no matter where you put it, even if the APDS is nerfed. Skill issues will not change!

Or just lower BR and give it max 20 APDS ammo. Like Gepard. EZ

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The Falcon only has one continues belt. It can not change ammunition.

Thus it’s also not possible to limit the amount of APDS.

The issue is that the Falcon should never have APDS. Why would it?
It was an experimental SPAA. It has no way to switch ammunition.
Why would it fire anything other than HEI and a few API in between?

They changed the M18 from TD to Light Tank but the Falcon is a SPAA but is basically an IFV in it’s capabilities in WT.
It has no right to be so effective in destorying tanks while the AA abilities are lacking at 8.3, due to having no radar or target computer.

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Pro tip for British 8.7: SPAA only lineup.
Chieftain Marksman