Fair Play: November 2024

Also in Ground Sim people try to disguse themselves as enemies mainly the T-80U, M18 Hellcat, Shermans (since every nation has it now days) and they wonder why they got teamkilled. I would rather shoot a friendly and find out it’s not enemy then die to enemy just because I was hesitating.


Fine for me. I was referring to this with that paragraph:

I will update my post…

That doesn’t make punishing players for just trying them out fair.

And they are in this game to be played, like any other mode. Dismissing them just because they aren’t as popular as RB is not a right thing to do.

Most accidental teamkills pheraps could be somewhat classfied as an example of reckless gameplay, but let’s be real here. War Thunder is a game. It’s not a criminal offence to get distracted while playing a damn game. And when you launch a missile or drop a bomb it’s already to late.

Only teamkills that imho can even be argued to be punished by a ban are straight up intentional teamkills with ill intentions.

Also them stating that teamkilling a guy that is actively trying to teamkill you is accounted for like any other teamkill is ridiculous. How are you supposed to play the game when someone is following you around actively trying to kill you. Just let them teamkill you and hope that they get punished for that? No, thank you, my time is already wasted.

A simple temp ban within the duration of some sort of event i am interested in or when i just want to play the game more than usual for some reason would be enough to irritate me enough to just drop the game all together for at least few months if not years.

For me and i would assume some limited amount of other players as well it’s not that much different from a perma ban

Arguing like this for SB is rather counterproductive for your case. If we have a common understanding that SBs are technically seen the peak of realism wt can offer it is logical that the requirements for participation should be the highest too.

This includes, ofc, everything within the mode, including a preparation of the player regarding “how to identify enemies/friendlies without a marker”.

This is imho the only issue in which we share the same pov.

But this official statement has to be seen in context - they can’t say otherwise just in order to prevent a hell of players trying to play “Death Wish VIII”.

I killed a lot of people (over the years) which tried to team kill me. I always reported the team kill attempt and admitted that i shot them down in self-defense. Never heard anything from that.

I hope you are right and the team killing guys will lose interest.

Every fair player deserves to get a game experience without the need to check his six the whole time even if there is no enemy around…

I would agree if the game had any proper tutorial for each mode we have in the game. I shouldn’t be learning about the fact that you can identify enemy from teammate in GSB by rangefinding at him after 2-3k hours and 6 years of playing the game. Granted i don’t touch SB nearly at all, but still. This should be common knowledge, not something you need seek information about in 3rd party sources.

Without proper tutorial i don’t think we should blame players for simply not knowing how to play.


If there is no justification for team-killing, then intent doesn’t matter. If intent doesn’t matter, then either every instance of team-killing is a violation of the ToS or rules, or it isn’t. The “oopsie, that was an accident” player is just as guilty or not guilty as the guy who spawns in and hoses down half their team on the runaway of an Air RB match for a TikTok video. Which is it? We just had a Gaijin employee, through some rude replies, say there is no justification. So what’s the call here?

Gaijin dropped the ball hard with this one and should probably come out and clarify a few things with an apology.


Does TKing after the match ends but not closed yet still counts or not?

Intent matters in the punishment part. This is why you can get a temp ban for a couple intentional teamkills but you wont get a temp ban for a couple accidental ones.

English only on the English forums. Just send your text through Google Translate first: https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&op=translate

Will these lists be updated? As if yesterday I received a notification about the temporary blocking of my account, however, I cannot find myself in the lists about the blocking due to teamkilling, either by my old nickname or by the current one.

There is also a question about automatic sorting of reports. If I understand for blocking the chat that there is a search for matches from a nasty list, then what to do with really random issues of teamkilling due to the lack of markers in RB mode at distances or re-selecting targets with automatic weapons.

Is the teamkill apology function somehow taken into account? Because I doubt the moderators consider every case of a report

yep, general rule of thumb, if there is an ally within or moving toward 3-4 seeker radii of the target don’t fire unless you know exactly what you are doing

though there is a time a few months ago I fired an AIM-120 from my Nado against a MiG-29 Infront of me and it pulled a 180 and TKed an F-16 so there’s that, fair to say I was a little annoyed

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It’s even worse in ARB where everyone only has 1 vehicle. It’s absolutely sabotage and griefing and I have no pity for those Troll Squads and when they get TK’d it’s absolutely deserving.

Those are the people Gaijin should be going after but they’ve conveniently left them out for this situation. How curious.

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The ban wave lists are not updated.

You shouldnt be doing enough accidental kills to trip a ban. Dont worry.

From my understanding, if they accept the appology, it gets wiped and no punishment is given.

What clarification you need? I said many times TK is a TK. What else you want me to clarify? You are not asking question, mention some random thing related to tiktok and expect apology, because we ban TKs?

Here, grab the as simple as possible info on what happened. Dunno what else do you expect? Apology to TKs that they get banned? What next? Sorry cheaters that we catch you cheating?

Players who have repeatedly destroyed their teammates’ vehicles since October 2024 have received temporary bans for teamkills. We define a teamkill as the destruction of a vehicle on your team within a certain period of time after the start of a battle. The duration of the ban depends on how often a player has committed a teamkill. We hope that the measures taken will contribute to the creation of a fair environment in the game. We will continue to try to take various circumstances into account when deciding whether a ban is necessary.

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nah, after researching timelines of reports, i remembered that case. Totally worth it.

The people saying they TKed only once or twice and got banned are comical, I TKed twice on accident in October and didn’t even get an hour long ban. You have to do a significant amount to get banned.

They are not saying the truth. We did not have such ppl in this banwave.


I have stated this several times - i see also a lack of tutorials as a main weakness of wt.

But arguing that this would justify team kills due to a lack of understanding how the game (and here SB) works, is say too easy. There is no tutorial for downloading the game - but somehow players are able to do this.

A yt search for a proper SB tutorial is a matter of seconds - your excuse might work for AB, but not for SB - i explained earlier why. Any player looking for SB is usually attached to those weapon systems and often an enthusiast - in total opposition to the average shooter oriented player of AB or RB.

The crazy part is people are actually believing them.

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