Fair Play: November 2024

It has literally nothing to do with this… The issue is that you state things as fact, not opinions. You are very much free to have whichever opinions you like (as long as they don’t break the rules when said out loud).

Hypothetical example (that i’m guessing):
If a player triggers the automated system X times a week and Y times per respawn, continuously, then the reports against that player really doesn’t need to be checked as they already reach a level of TK worthy of punishment.
But on the other hand if a player has several reports but only like one or two TK’s registered in the automated system over many respawns and weeks then those reports probably need to be checked more in depth (to look for things like ramming etc or if the reports are bogus).

There is likely a balancing act of how much time goes into each decision based on several factors.


Why do people still think the Game Master team and the Fair Play team are the same team after GMs have said that’s not the case a half dozen times in this thread so far, that’s the question I have.

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I think people right now jump a bit from one to the other, taking statements which are meant about on topic as confirmation how some other topic is handled. That has become quite confusing.

Now, in the hope to make it clear:

What GM’s do, know the process, and can share (very limited) insights on said process:

  • Chat ban related questions
  • Name ban related questions
  • Chat moderation

What GM’s can not do, do not know the process , and thus can not share any insights about:

  • Gameplay related bans and moderation (TK, Cheats, …)

Just as every other players, we can only speculate about the background and process of this TK ban instance. We do of course know the rules, we have our own experiences with TK, both receiving and commiting, and thus have some understanding on how this was so far handled with the automated system, just like everybody else.

What I would like to add as a personal observation is this: As GM’s we have the luxury to see a bit behind the curtains of how people here work, and from this I can honestly say that I find zero indication for all those conspiracy therories and assumptions that such things as this hot topic here are decided and acted upon without any reasonable basis, careful consideration and proper investigation.


Fair enough, appricate you taking time and explaining everything.

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Nowhere does it say these 22k were banned from behaviour from October until now, they could’ve used data from way before that, and they might’ve also started analysing way before the last ban wave. 22k isn’t even that much compared to the whole player base, especially considering 90% of those are short temp bans (<1 week), so just a slap on the wrist.

You’d end up with everyone and their mother claiming “oopsie-daisy” for everything. It’s the same thing every time: “i accidentally clicked my mouse on the runway” “i didnt mean to shoot that missile” etc., just like with the cheaters there were tons of “it was my friend/sibling not me”.
It would become pretty much impossible to draw a hard line that everyone is satisfied with. So it seems they drew that hard line with the act of teamkilling as a whole to spare themselves that headache.

Also, doing the same “accident” repeatedly (and quite often) eventually makes it intent.

that would just open up a whole different can of worms.

rule of thumb: if you think “it’s simple, just do X”, you’re most likely wrong bc if it would be that simple, it would’ve already been done.


Don’t get me wrong - i see your points and assess them as reasonable position.

I just don’t share the “there is an obstacle - remove it” approach.

  • I mean if you research statistics about wt player numbers per day you might share my view that those 22k players are a very small portion of the total player base. Applying reverse logic that means that the overwhelming majority of players is able to play without ruining the game experience of others - as they were not banned.

  • Try to do reality check of your proposal for irl issues - lowering standards just because a minority is unable or unwilling to meet these standards has always negative results for the majority able to fulfill the initially higher standards.

So at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if somebody is team killing intended or not - if it happens too often he will get a temp ban. And with too many temp bans he will face a perma ban - just in order to protect the majority able to play by the rules.

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The problem with this is that Gaijin has already established the idea that they can indeed do such a thing. Look further than ground battles. If you can disable team killing for that, then there’s absolutely no excuse for air battles. By this logic, players should be smart and considerate enough to not blast their teammates and team kill them in ground realistic battles. But Gaijin saw it was clearly a problem and removed the ability to. Gaijin felt it was important enough to share just how many people have been TKing and that must mean something if they’re now sharing that data.

Again, I just don’t trust Gaijin’s “trust me bro” approach to this. And I’m arguing this as someone who does take active effort to avoid TKing. It’s just asinine logic to say we think it’s an issue for one game mode, enough so to remove it but not for another despite us sharing the data behind it despite having not done so in anyone’s apparent recent memory.

Does anyone know if your allowed to play war thunder mobile version if your banned from teamkilling on pc?

I don’t see why not. It’s a good punishment LOL

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Being forced to play on mobile is a worse punishment than an outright ban

Gaijin removed tk for ground vs ground for the same reason they disabled chat for a while.

I guess they just decided/couldnt be bothered to not turn the tk back on.

Imo, they should add it back to ground rb.

I would rather they didnt further encourage lemming trains in air rb.

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See if would be up for either. Either reintroduce it to ground battles and keep it consistent (even though I still don’t trust Gaijin’s system for doing it) or remove it from air battles like they’ve already done for ground battles.

Political reasons, and also general trolling and griefing.

I remember many trolls who would hit your tracks/wngine, etc, expecting you to even as much as hit them with the machine gun, only to then J-out and hand you the team kill.

Or trolls who would push you into rivers/buildings/enemy fire in hopes that you would TK them in self-defence…

Also many trolls who TK’d in order to harass others for whatever reason (flags, customisation, vehicle models/nationalities, usernames…), leaving aside modern conflicts, which were the last straw.

  1. I play on console
  2. I play on controller
  3. I don’t have Vr, which is gamebreaking the sim. The last logical thing any sane person would do after going after a target is try to look for team mates, when team mates should know your already giving chase. No that is 100% a team mates fault, unless you ask for assistance

if you don’t have the situational awareness to know teammates are around, why are you expecting them to have it?

Because most team mates come in on an intercept to an already ongoing dog fight.

Hence, when I do an intercept, I make absolutely sure I know which target is which, and when my team mate pulls a bad turn, or simply gets shot down, I finish the fight.

It’s not a hard concept, you should understand.

But sometimes, friendly units will fly in the flight path of:

  1. Over G-d aams that then track the friendly
  2. Fly into a flare path with their afterburner on, causing the aam to track them.
  3. They’re so greedy the slam into me and kill us both.
  4. I go to fire a burst of ammo and wow, suddenly a friendly flys in front of my burst on the enemy target, but regardless if I let go of the trigger, the rounds are still flying that hits the friendly.

None of the above could be my fault. I check for friendlys CONSTANTLY because people don’t ping their location, and that’s annoying as is.

But yes I have less situational awareness compared to a Vr or keyboard user, due to control setup, which isn’t easily fixed on controller.

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bruh only tk disabled for 1 day why just remove it compleatly i dont get it

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One of the worst sicknesses currently is people who can TK… without TKing; those bastards who ram you to get you to crash, etc.

I just had to put one of those down because he was attempting repeatedly to ram and push into the ground teammates of ours from the start of the match. They are a sickness… and unless Gaijin removes even collision models, these will remain. They should just get banned.

Sadly, from what I’ve seen on this thread, it is more likely for those of us who fight them to get banned that it is for them to get banned over being toxic trolls.


He did that for 3+ years btw. They don’t like when you mention that here so I’m taking my chances

I love this vid too, but can you get a higher resolution version please Orson ?