Fair Play: February 2024

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Regardless of the team size, doing any objectives and tasks is part of the mission design of Enduring Confrontation.

The other user (who is on the list) who claimed was innocent. They say they entered the wrong lobby and were selected because they ban everyone in that match. That is complete BS since you have to be active in partaking with breaking the rules to be considered, and it’s not a one time thing. There’s a history of the user participating solo, or with others, in order to exploit the game mode.

So there’s really no excuse for him to come here with a surprise Pikachu face.

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If I remember correctly, the Chinese server has only been played by a few thousand people since 2019, and there are tens of thousands of players who “do not play the Chinese server” as now.

The original Chinese server was shut down years ago.

Banning cheaters and bots is at the end of every month, and I’m glad gaijin is working on fair play

yea i dont think you notice the document says “air sb”

@Stona_WT @Smin1080p Hey would possible to send one mods by to do some cleanup. There’s a lot of racist posts in here.


So I’m hoping that those with temp bans, also had thier progress cleared out at the same time?

How do you get banned after a sim match when you haven’t played any recent Sim matches?

So it mean that I go to lobby and wait outside for taking phone still violates game rules ?

Account ban is quite devastating for those who have invested 1000+ hours into that account though.

Chinese players? Written names in chinese don’t necessarely makes them chinese,…

you can use several systems on a computer to write your name in Chinese,… and Windows that allow it,…

Also,… please make the real ratio,… out of the 933, how many are written with Chinese names?

I counted 281 people in the list (blindly counted for partial/complete caractered names with chinese/japanese/koreans/… in it),… so only 30.1% for about 3 nations which represents 25% the worldwide people,…

Not that heavy considering the full potential.

So your anger should be redirected to the complete list of 933 people and not only to 30% of it.

PS: the ban you took was for not respecting rules on the forum,… → not allowed to talk of Cheats/ to be racist.

Also it is not allowed to publicly challenge Moderation,… so is your fact about your temporary ban,…


well i saw someone was using machine translate to post chinese texts here
but he dont know SB is not called SB literally in Chinese client and have lots of pronounce mistake

he has 35 played Air Sim this month?

i’m more interested in the fact that he has 120 kills vs 7 deaths in 6 battles in air sim as a B18B bomber at BR 4.0.
that if anything seems like the sketchy part in this.
@BeTronBeNgoan care to elaborate?

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This is actually beautiful. With this highly competitive, argumentative, and sometimes outright conspiritorial (about Gaijin) playerbase, it’s refreshing to see a united effort to ensure that the game we all appreciate remains in a functional, fair, civil, and safe state. Good job @Stona_WT and the rest of the team for being so vigilant and transparent.

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What i’m saying is → those have been banned because of something,… but say that only chinese cheats is a problem,…

  • giving a POV is not flaggable,…

Two of the incredibly blatant cheaters I’ve reported have still not been banned, one of them has now changed his name after he probably realised there was posts about him on several forums and youtube videos of him cheating and he is still not banned.

what kind of copying mechanism is that?

Realistically how many non-chinese people would use chinese names, especially in this game?
Same nonsense when someone says he has a new account because he is bored of his previous one… sure.

Also, there are MANY non-chinese named accounts with chinese players behind them. I have talked to many of them after catching them cheating (also talked to many who clearly have several accounts… guess why), they are many.

*I remember only 1 chinese guy I have spoken to who spoke really good english, I complimented him for that. He wasn’t a cheater or anything like that.


‘It’s not the same…’

Kinda feels like you’re punishing the active playerbase, rather than doing anything to prevent exploiting.

If I rocket strike an airfield, which is a ‘bomb target’, why should I NOT get points for any eventual kills that I might get?

You already gutted the rewards in SIM, now you’re going after the points? Whats next? You’ll remove the SIM gamemode because you couldn’t figure out a solution to stop cheating/exploiting?

Stop punishing the active playerbase, start punishing cheaters/exploiters…

Now, I just sank the enemy carrier in my sim EC game, which gave me 405 points, it didn’t give any points for dmg on the vessel and I didn’t get any points for getting shot down by the AI vessel.

Maybe you should look at WHY people are exploiting instead of rendering a gamemode, which rewards are already way to low, even less viable to grind, in your free to play grind game.

With that said, Good job banning that filth, keep up the good work.


You forgot the part where SB has auto match maker as well.