Fair Play: December 2023


well, 70+ numbered accounts, created in batches (groups with the same creation date), all around lvl 6-7, all obviously doing exactly the same thing … some banned, some not, consistency certainly isn’t something this ban wave brings

So again probably the same guy due to naming… 117 accounts

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He is probably developing a cheat testing what can go undetected


Properbly which is why they all got banned at the same time

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Yeah the reason games ban people in waves is so the cheat devs wont know what got them caught among other things

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All the accounts i looked at seem to be no higher than level 6 for that guy. hes got a massive amount of accounts. if you just put in the first name. its crazy


If that is the case then gaijin needs to ban all of them tbh

There are some programmes that can create as many emails as you want

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the 40k was an estimate on the original reddit post, so not a offical number.


Dxiaoa … 100+ accounts
Dxiaob … 100+ accounts
Dxiaoc … 70+ accounts
Dxiaod … 20+ accounts
… and it continues up to Dxiaoh. Satsuki DD on all of them … looks like farming of invitation rewards (reach rank3)

well, Gaijin is probably saving that for next wave … their best and brightest will work day and night, they’ll do trully sherlockholmesian investigation and maybe, just maybe they’ll figure out that all those hundreds of numbered accounts look a bit sketchy.


man people really took a number from a translated chinese post which claimed 40k with zero sources and ran with it.

Regardless, 7k is a huge number and I’m happy to see it.

To be fair, there was some apparent confirmation from usually reliable close-to-inside sources at the time:

I have never seen him, his name or whatever discord server this is in my life, so I don’t really know what makes that more reliable then the reddit post.

On the old forum he was kinda well known, contributed hugely to the naval game, often knew what was coming in terms of bug fixes and rule changes before everyone else.

When they changed to the new forum he deleted all his content on the old forum in a fit of pique and refused to participate here. He lives on Discord now. But if you played significant naval in the last few years, you knew him.

EDIT: We also had the posts on this forum, both from the alleged whistleblower (I won’t mention his name here) complete with download links and passwords on Dec. 13, explaining what he did, and the acknowledgement post from a senior mod saying “thank you for all the information you provided, I will pass it further up!” Those posts have been scrubbed now, but the screenshots still exist. This all started on this forum and a couple of us noted it in real time… if you were paying attention.

In case people missed it, we also had yesterday’s sorta denial from Redmisty (Chrome Translate may be required): 讨论&求助;这样举报外挂软件的方式是否正确 - #9

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An even bigger number from another person I’ve never heard of and I try to keep track of things.
So just a attention seeker who people should not be relying on for accurate info.

Dude, I remember you bantering with him a few times on the old naval forum. Early Alzheimers?

(I mean, yeah, obviously he didn’t have the whole story here, and his inside sources clearly aren’t as good as they once were, not suggesting otherwise.)

I honestly don’t, I am severely dyslexic so I more associate people with their avatars which severely screwed me when they ripped custom avatars away so there’s only a handful of people I can associate with posts and since I’ve not seen him since the old forum I likely won’t be able to associate him with anything without going back to the old forum and going through posts

Apologies then, did not mean to cause any offence there. Like I said, he deleted everything he ever wrote about naval over the forum change, don’t bother. It was a shame, he had a lot of good informative posts. And again, his sources were obvs wrong about this, just saying there was a little bit more than just “one reddit post” two days ago.

I’d be more concerned personally about the people who were banned this week but NOT on this list, and people who were banned two days ago and apparently are NOT, now (I gave one example of each, above). Here’s another of the first kind: Wrong ban


No worries, none taken.
I’m rereading my posts and I’m realizing I worded it unintentionally harshly so I kinda started it.

There are 30+ of them - just keep scrolling and more Dxiaoc!!!