F-4S Phantom II should get AIM-9L


EJ Kai have better radar and internal gun(which is better)
So, hms is on same level

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But why increase the BR? Why it can’t stay at 11.3 with all aspect missiles like MiG-23ML for example?

because the aim 9l are just better than the r60m and you also have a pd radar unlike the ml and an hmd… and the f4ej kai is also higher br without the hmd


Well, i guess, that 9L been a little to much for if not the strongest, to the most versatile 11.3 premium in game.

If you so want all-aspect IR, maybe its be better to take AIM-9P2, (20G, but seeker from 9L), because 9L - its for sure ticket to 11.7-12.0 for F-4S.

It would be more correct to compare it to Mirage F1 or MiG-21 Bison not to full uptier vehicles

the f16 mig29 that the f4s can face dont have irccm missiles, and it cannot face su27 at all

I’ll raise you thi:
The lowest BRed HMD with all aspects is 11.7: the MIG-21 BISON with R-73s.
The F-4s would be an HMD with AIM-9Ls, and better avionics, and more missiles.
It would be unbearably overpowered at 11.7 due to being the armament of a non spaded F-16C a full 1.0 lower

R-73 way better than 9L

MiG-21Bis still turns better than any F-4 in 1 circle, near to same in 2

F-4 doesnt have better avionics, than Bison
Obly one thing is better than 21Bis will be if added 9L - amount of missiles.

The radar is better
I would take 4X9L and 4X7F over 2XR73 and 2XR27R any day
The would be unbelievably overpowered at 11.7 with HMD AIM-9Ls


lolwat? No it isn’t. F-4J and F-4S have identical weaponry and airframes.

AIM-7Ms are identical to AIM-7Fs in War Thunder.

Ben dawg was right tho, the F4S is in fact a more forgiving dogfighter.
So no, not exactly identical in flight performance which is actually a big deal here


I just test flew both. Above 700kph they’re identical.
Above 600kph they’re effectively identical.
Only around 500 does Agile Eagle do anything.

F-4 cant track target in side aspect with PD, bison can.
Well, R-73 have better range and irccm, and can help you in dogfights.
R-27R also better, because of datalink and range
Also - bison have modern rwr, that can detects PD radars

Agile eagle very useful in 2 circles, that matter

Agile eagle makes your sustained turn rate significantly better, and your instantaneous turn rate ever so slightly better

it cant, the radar have just ± 40º limit, in fact the f4s is better at that as it has ±60º you get 20 extra degrees.

The r27r has a shorter range and it is slower.

Im about that if target goes cold - F-4 cant track and Bison can

Youre about gimbal limits

Yes, slower, but range better, not by statcard.

you can notch the bison as well.

the stat card also says that is has a better range, what are you even saying?

Go and learn what is cold in term of BVR.

You can lock from greater range and it will fly by datalink(Or iog if you broke a lock)
Also basicly better seeker by power
Better booster, but lack of sustainer
Total power - R-27 have slightly bigger
And R-27 lighter near to 1/10 from sparrow

sure expert…

you dont have mid range data link guidance…

it’s just 1.5 s longer

it isnt, seems that you need to check your maths…
r27: 6s · 25125N= 150750N
aim 7f/m: booster 4,5s x 26940N= 121230N sustainer 6340N · 11s = 69740

TOTAL power for the aim 7f =190970 so 40kN more of total power…

also false the r27 is heavier, 253kg at lunch and and 186 after 6s, the sparrow is 231kg at lunch and 190kg after 4,5s and 170kg at the end of the sustainer, also it is less draggy as it has a lower diameter

By all means the aim 7f have a longer range.