F4EJ-Kai can see top tier?

I think that the new battlerating charges are for the better in most cases, but as a person that has the Japanese tech-tree reaserched and enjoyed playing the EJ-Kai it is a tragedy. All 11.7 except the EJ-Kai were moved upp to 12.3 which was moved upp to 12.7 and cam see the new top tier 13.7. It is allso going to be the same battle rating as the f16AJ with the same wepons and radar, but on a phantom. I do not think that id fair.

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This might be the opportunity to add some missing armament

  • AIM-9P (stock) and AIM-9L (top missile) → AIM-9L (stock) and AAM-3 (top missile)
  • AIM-7E (stock) and AIM-7F (top missile) → AIM-7F (stock) and AIM-7M (top missile)

And maybe some tested features could be added like the MAWS and HMD to really help out the F-4 stuck at F-16 BRs

7F and 7M is same missile in game. No difference between them
And I’m not sure about AАM-3. I highly doubt he was carrying those missiles.

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Tbh, these things should be kept for a possible F-4EJ Kai ADTW, which perhaps also tested the XAAM-4. Basically a Japanese F-4F KWS-LV, just with MAWS from Mirage 2000 / Rafale but worse airframe.


Sure, but it is both historical and gives access to the better AIM-7F sooner. I’d say it’s a helpful change for that alone.

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I will reiterate the developers stance and how they shut down some people’s reports:
Photos are NOT proof of anything. Documentation is required, preferably from multiple sources.
And, ahem, “suspended armament is a balancing act”
Blinking sweetly

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If 7F and 7M are the same missile within the game, what is the point of your suggestion?
There is no difference between the two. I still don’t understand why it was necessary to introduce the same missile twice, changing one letter in its name. Just so there would be “historical armament”.

And to introduce two identical missiles to one airplane at once is stupid and senseless. It does not bring any benefit, because even if this happens, they will be combined into one modification for study.

To reiterate. The 7F is not better than the 7M, it is literally the same missile. The difference between them exists only in real life, not in the game

Historical armament is a nice factor, but mainly this helps the grind of the vehicle. Rather than having AIM-7E stock (which was not even used on the EJ Kai), it would be replaced by the superior AIM-7F. The modification for the full load of AIM-7F would also be researchable sooner.

AIM-7M meanwhile would be a historical upgrade and a nice, yet minor, visual change. Gameplay wise it would mostly be optional, however having a functionally spaded plane before the end of the stock grind is always nice, and the 7M modification lowers individual modification cost for other modifications of the rank.

They could make them one modification, but even then stock 7F and historical accuracy would be worth it.

I also believe AIM-9B FGW.2 on the German F-104G used to be the same as the AIM-9B, with both being available. They have since been changed, but the same could very well happen to the 7M in the future.

So you want to get your hands on a top-of-the-line as a stock rocket? Well, good luck with that. The idea is dull and lifeless

Well, AIM-7F and AIM-7M are the only SARH missiles used on the EJ Kai, so I prefer just that over the artificial roadblock of the 7E


And? This is still a top tier missile

I wasn’t saying that it wasn’t, but the F-4EJ Kai never used the AIM-7E, which is now stock (as a pair of 2) due to being the lesser of the aircrafts SARH missiles.

Now if the choice of SARH missiles was corrected to 7F and 7M instead, the 7F would be the “lesser” missile, thus stock.

And don’t hit me with the “top tier missile stock” thing when the EJ Kai can face F-15s with stock AMRAAMs


aim7c stock and aim7d as top missile would be better for f4ej kai, though move its br to 13.0

So let’s delete it and you will fly only with 9P:)

It is a Phantom at F-16 BR, with some of those getting 7F stock as well. I don’t see how an F-16 with stock 2 9P and 2 7F is fine but an EJ Kai with the same stock armament is not.

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Man, well, I looked at the chart with the new BRs. I take it back. The developers did some bullshit. I guess they’ll either undo the changes or do something else. We’ll see.

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