F4C and F4E

Japanese phantom is garbage, American and Israeli 11.0 F-4E is great.

Dude, I’ve hit enemies REAR-aspect with the thing, while they were not only chaffing, but maneuvering as well with low fuel (I know bc they were returning to base for some more after a long match)
It’s a capable missiles man, (and let’s not forget where the R-3R technology comes from lmao.)

Especially the Israeli one, damn thing gets Aim-9Gs it’s fricken nuts lmao

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Yeah, the aim7d can work well if you give it good launches. I feel like most people expect it to be like an aim7e-2 and just hip fire it. But I will say that I prefer the aim9c over the aim7d. At least for most cases as the aim9c will go for chaff.

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9C is basically the American R-3R, except it can actually pull and has range. Love the thing with how useful it is in all aspect shots on the people who run flares only haha

They should be far better, and even the AIM-7C (The missile, not the guiding radar) should ignore chaff (seeker rejects Non-coherent radar returns e.g. chaff ), should probably report it see what happens.

The key differences between the -7E and the-7D should come down to the motor, and slightly worse electronics.

I really do wish that the F-8s radar had the ACM mode it actually had to allow for a rapid response, its been bug reported but we’re still waiting on it(eight months and counting).



I really do enjoy the aim9D/C on the f8e. They have so much more reach than the missiles in the br that most people dont bother dodging/dont see it because they dont think it will hit. I have hit some crazy long shots with the aim9D.

please. I would love that. A short radar range option would be nice too but that is perfectly workable as is.

for me the basic radar mode with thin scan has been just as rapid. no issues.

When German F-4E? (They used 10, they were stationed at holloman Air Force base in us markings but were owned by germany)

İt’s the only phantom I bought a talisman for

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R-3R’s seeker is a domestic development. It is a reverse engineered AIM-9B with a fully indigenous guidance section. The Soviets have always been able to produce good seekers for radar-guided missiles, even by the standards of the rest of the world; it’s worth remembering that the R-23R was the first Fox 1 in the world to implement a monopulse seeker design, years before the British fit one to Sky Flash, and a full decade before the AIM-7M gave the US the capability


No, the common belief in this forum is that everything the soviets made was either potato farmer technology made with hammer and sickle that was inferior to everyone else or stolen from the west and completely copied.

Just 3-4 days ago someone was telling me in the forum that 9L/9M is more advanced than R-73, because soviets didn’t have any technology in any field superior to Americans, it wasn’t possible

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Honestly i dont see that many people arguing this.

And the Soviets did have something more advanced. And that was the Helmet mounted sight and slaving missiles via it.

Thats the one consistent remark i see when they got to test their F-16 + Aim-9 vs Mig-29 + R-73 after the re-unification of Germany. They dont talk about the missiles, they talk about the ease of locking a target using the HMS/HMD.

So while the R-73 is no slouch and an important component of being able to take advantage of the HMS/HMD, the star of the show is the HMS/HMD. And thats where the technology advantage was in terms of fielded equipment.

I have been using the F4E a lot for the event grind. After playing it a lot, the answer is decompression and not a br drop. The F4E in a down tier is disgusting. It is usually an easy 4 kills. For full uptiers, maybe 1-2 kills. Depends on the map and situation.