F4C and F4E

speed is ok, missile count? 4x aim9e (7d is completely useless) that is something even 9.3 f100d has
rockets work as flares but slow you down, then every migger21 has r3r anyways so you cant “flare” them
F4E is acceptable when maxed out, but its stock grind is completely unacceptable
2x aim9e at 11.0 is a joke
whenever I see a F4C no matter what I’m flying its always free food

The F4E its a crap…impossible to lock something on RDR and the AIM9J are not bad but outclased by otrhers missiles in this BR, its is the worst aircraft ever had

Ever had flown. I’m laughing at this, knowing how wrong that is.

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I think i have gotten more aim7 kills than aim9 kills on the f4c. There are always at least 1-2 space climbers you can knock down. Plus the aim7 has that fun quirk where the radar will lock the the chaff but the missile still follows the jet.

It is a r3s with a radar seeker. 10g missile

full uptiers suck. The radar works well enough for what it is. Just dont expect PD level performance out of it. Aim9J is sort of meh at times, that is true. Not bad but not great.


What altitude do you try to aim for (generally speaking) for BVR in the F-4C? I’ve been going to high-ish alt (5000 or so on sea level maps) which is about the same as the highest enemies tend to be, but they tend to dive and evade the missile whether they know its there or not because most people don’t stay at alt for too long and do a steep dive around the middle.

The current F-4s are fine where they are at. I’d rather see an F-4D with all the bells and whistles it eventually received foldered into the F-4C, and a late F-4E with the upgrades it should have, foldered into the F-4E

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I would say often between 5-6km alt. I am not sure at what range is considered BVR but I usually wait until no more than 10km out.

Yeah, there are those that will dive to escape but that also helps as it give you the alt advantage.

For the f4c, i generally rush down the middle at alt, do 1-2 head on’s then loop back behind and above the enemy team.

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(waiting for navy F-4B so I can have F-4C with flares to meme on everything lmao)


no you didnt, 7d cant even kill a plane flying straight
r3r might be 10 g on paper but its far superior to aim7d, in a headon f4c vs any plane with r3r, r3r will win 100% of the time

If I recall correctly, the 7D has a pd seeker head, meaning chaff resistance, while also having more pull.

The only downside to the missile (if I recall) for the br it’s at, is its time to guidance, it’s a dead missile for quite the amount of time… but after that it’s pretty decent…

Aim7d can 100% kill those in a straight line as long as you give it a decent launch. R3r will win in very short range engagements but it evens out at range. The f4s also have good radar angles which allows for you to pull a fair bit before losing lock.

I do find that the aim7s will ignore chaff half the time and follow the jet even when the radar locks to the chaff.

It is not terrible but noticeable. You cant just hip fire it like many people are used to with missiles.

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The Sparrow goes for the strongest return in it’s field of view. That’s why the box can switch targets to chaff and it still hit (or the box to stay on the enemy and go for a friendly). There’s just no way to tell purely from the in game UI that that’s what it is doing.

Thx Sinister for the correction , yesterday was very upset when I wrote that,
Its not my mother language

I’m using the F4E in a diferent altitude lvl’s but it’s very har try to lock any enemy below RDR horizon, then if you get a lock at 19kms away you need start to do notching manouver to dodge incoming missiles, so the AIM7E 30% of time loose the track or dont hit the target

it doesnt have more pull because that pull is just on paper,even at longer distances r3r wins
7d is completely useless

It pulls that easily in my experience using them for stock grinds. Although not instant ofc, it’s still stronger than the Aim-9B with a radar seeker head and 10Gs my guy.

no, 7d is worse than r3r.

Lmao sure, enjoy getting one chaffed.

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you will never win with a r3r using a aim7d ;)
if enemy is aware enough to drop chaff then they can dodge 7d without any issue, this missile can barely hit plane going straight (most of the time it cant)

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