F16AM can carry Magic 2 missiles

So are you going to answer my question or no?

The yanks didn’t deserve F16s when the competition got nerfed into the ground from incompetency of the American pilot. But you still got them.

If they’re going to add this subtree, we get 16s. If the 16s happen to be compatible with the main missile of the French tree, why shouldn’t it get them?


I just proved it can’t have Magic 2 why you must insist.

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The F-16 was not a solo addition. It came at the same time as the MiG-29, a comparable aircraft.

This logic is fine as long as the F-14A gets 120s, and a variety of other aircraft vet a variety of other things that they tested and was compatible with but never used.

Yanks already got plenty of shit that they didn’t operate but were compatible. Alongside the Russians. It is about time minor nations get similar treatment.

Regardless, this 16 has been proven to not carry them. So the argument is moot.


Magic II is backwards compatible with all AIM-9 compatible launch rails and software.

This was a specific requirement set by Matra when developing the missile. It must be capable of using existing missile hardware and software.


he should have the HMD too

Taiwanese F-100A used AIM-9P4 Historically, so where is it?

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Looks over at the Yak-141….

Yak 141, SRAAMs, F-16AJ…


Because it was tried and it worked. There have been things added to the game on way shakier grounds and it would be the only F-16 in the game with magics making it unique.


People often complain about things being copy pasted from one TT to an other and thus making it less unique. I’d argue this would be a good way to make the aircraft unique even as a copy paste.

is it fine if your F14 goes 13.0 as well to balance 120A ?

Magics on F16 will not make much of a difference from AIM-9s, it is just a sidegrade to differentiate it

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With already having 8 air TT at rank 8 (mostly all completed) the only RP going to the BeNeLux aircraft will be a by-product of me enjoying the MICA EM missiles being added. As they are now, what’s the point when the Mirage 2000-5F is hands down the better option and the F-16C exists in the tree most people start playing the game with. So giving the F-16AM MATRA’s is a great idea, it’s in the French tree, and it makes it unique to the present and future F-16s, giving more players a reason to actively research the new line and fly the F-16AM over the F-16C. Plus imagine all the cool shit you can do in duels. I hope they do it.


The F-100s are busy being shot and thrown into the gutter due to BR compression (I say this as someone with the ROC F-100F ;~;), but I’d love to see more aircraft have the weaponry they were capable of using in reality

EJ Kai with AAM-3s, for example

this is such a dumb argument. Without the AJ Japan would’ve been left with the no top tier plane for two years while waiting for the F-15. Do you not see an issue with that? I’m not saying the AM should get Magic 2s but people need to stop bringing the AJ up as it was a special case, which gaijin has stated they are going to replace as soon as possible same with the R2Y2s


like? can you name some aircrafts

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can you explain more about F16 OCU40 ?

It was kind of an aborted version of a modernization of F16A, OCU stand for Operationnal Capability Upgrade. As the concept was abandonned there is not much proofs or traces an F16 ever carried magic in active service and this will stay a dream for most part.


oh i see . thx mate .