f16a br change to 12.3 or 12.0 because only aim9l have to go against aimraam and irccm missiles while being uptiered is almost 80 percent chance. fm is arguably better than most in the br but at and over 11.0 missile make the most strengths about an aircraft not fm or t/w ratio. to add to that no hmd and no radar missiles while having a strong radar
12.0 is way to low.
12.3 isn’t needed.
12.7 is good as long as decompression is done.
both are way too low. yeah it sucks but we have to wait for decompression :(
12.3 is acceptable, EJ Kai is at that BR range and it carry 8 missile and F-16 radar. sure it can’t turn but spam enough Sparrow and you’re dead either way.
Yes, the ADFs need to go back to 13.0 and the 13.0s to 13.3 (with a couple exceptions), and finally the F-15E/I and Typhoon/Rafale to 14.0.
There’s also some other BR decompression changes that could come concurrently with armament changes/corrections but this is the most basic of what needs done.
You forgot F-15C, JM, Baz M.
But no, F-16A ADF is effectively identical outside replacing 9Ls with 7F/M.
Potentially Su-27SM, though definitely anything with a faster search radar added after.
There needs to be more decompression, period. Even as someone who doesn’t really play air the fact every time new stuff is added the BR might go up by 0.3 really isn’t good for things that get sucked into top tier.
Do you think it’s fair for 11.3 jets to face an F-16 with 9Ls?
Why are we comparing a phantom to a F-16 and going “yeah the phantom is there so it’s fine!”. Yeah the phantom has a decent (the literal same radar) as the F-16, and yeah it has 4x 7Fs. That’s it though. Otherwise it’s strictly worse than the F-16 and you’d want them to be the same BR.
F-16ADF is better suited for air RB.
And we just say ‘Good luck buddy’ to all the poor 11.0/11.3’s who’d have to face it?
If a vehicle is struggling, the solution is to move up the things causing it to struggle. Not to move itself down. All that’s doing is passing the misery onto something else, and perpetuating the domino effect of BR compression.
If 13.7’s cause 12.7’s to suffer, the solution is to move the former up to 14.0. If you move the latter down to 12.3, suddenly 11.3’s suffer. Then they need moving down to 11.0 and now 10.0’s suffer. So those need moving down to 9.7 etc etc etc.
There are occasional examples where something is objectively over BR’d, and moving it down would be fine if not necessary, but I think F16’s vs 11.3’s, or god forbid 11.0’s, would be so unfair that this is not an example of that.