As a matter of fact we should have 480 Counter measures with 2x extra counter measure modals from weaponry selection but it just show 240 no matter you put them or not
Only 480cms that F-15E must/might have - additional 50%(240) increase from EPAWWS
acting as if 240 isnt more then enough, just be content with what you have. clearly having the best jet in the game isnt good enough.
240 max is correct.
240 /8 = 30 per module, which is correct.
Fr, what top tier aircraft even have more? Just the Gripens?
Most things with BOL have “more”. (160 per BOL) The average is 2x BOL pod (Tornado F3, Viggen D, SHar FA2) + their internal loads but a few like the Harrier Gr7, Gripens and F-14B have 4x BOL + Internal loads
But… BOL is modeled (incorrectly) to be 1/4 the size/effectiveness of a standard CM (Though BOL flares probably should be more like Large calibre flares). So you generally need to drop 4+ BOL for every regular CM you would drop in something like a F-15. (In the F3 I find im dropping the chaff by the dozen)
So the 80 Large Internal CMs + 640 BOL (if you are running no A2G) on the Gripen C translates to more like 80 LCMs + 120-160 CMs. So about the same as the F-15E, excluding the fact you have the LCMs which are notably more effective than regular CMs.
The largest CM count at the moment would go to the Tornado IDS, with 56 Large Flares and 1200 Large Chaff but the highest mixed load is the Tornado Gr4 with 240 CMs (usually run as flares) + 28 Large Flares + 600 Large Chaff (also missing and hopefully getting 2x BOL ontop of that) (or you can just run 2x TERMA for 480 CMs)
Strictly sticking to “top tier” +/- 0.3. Could go to the Tornado F3 Late in the future, as it could/should have 2x Phimats. So thats 32 LCMs + 2x BOL (320) + 2x Phimat (416 Large Chaff) (devs haven’t said no, only that they will when they get a chance)
In the future, the Harrier GR9A might take the title for the most CMs with 60 internal CMs + 3x BOL (480) + 1x Terma (240) + 1x Phimat (216 large Chaff) for a grand total of 780 CMs + 216 large chaff (though to take the Phimat pod you’ll need to ditch 1x Aim-9/ASRAAM. if you kept that you would instead have an another BOL so you would instead have 940 CMs in any mix you wanted) I dont think much else matches that CM count
If they unfuck BOL, then sure, give F15E the extra CMs. But as it stands, it has no need for it and shouldn’t get them. Really don’t want to be fighting an F15E with my Gripen using shit CMs (ahistoric) whilst being outperformed in turns by it (ahistoric) with a fraction of the missiles and none of the sustain of an F15 only to have it receive even more ability to sustain. Frankly, F15E shouldn’t have been added until we got the scary Eurodeltas.
Yep, agreed. Though I do think the F-15s are also missing BOL, so surprising Gaijin has limited them in that way
I deeply hate the F15E. It didn’t even bring the promise of unfucked BOL, now we’re suffering for nothing but catering to yank ineptitude.
In addition to that, it also brought A2G radars to more aircraft except the Gripens and a few others
Mostly minor nation aircraft, + germany. Love it.
what is wrong with BOL’s? (coming from someone who has not used BOL’s)
Very brief overview of issues. British threads should cover it in more detail. Alternatively, wait for Movran to finish typing.
gotcha, i heard that they were smaller then normal CM. did not know that was the direct issue.
There’s a number of issues, this being the most pressing.
When the Gripens were first added, and chaff wasnt needed, people were running full flares and dropping them on a regular basis to make themselves immune to IR missiles (at the time, BOL were just modeled as standard flares, burn time and all) combined with 100m MP, and they were unkillable (note, was never an issue with the Harrier Gr7 in the 15 months prior)
So they made a fake nerf to reduce their effectiveness. Reducing its size by 75% (this is the fake bit) and reducing the burn time (making them far less effective in pre flare, though this shorter burn time is technically correct) BOL “flares” are technically modeled wrong and instead should be more like chaff that produces an IR signature and not a “flare”.
Appropriate bug reports.
But the short of it, is that BOL is at around 1/4 the effectiveness of regular CMs but should be more like Large flares (with reduced burn time) and standard chaff
fair enough, im just happy my 2K finally got its correct chaff amount. (now just need the same for the 4K)
I am still pissed by the change to BOL because of Gripen. Not only did they kill BOL, they killed the relatively correct FM instead of fixing the one major issue causing it to overperform. Now it is a joke of an aircraft with a FM underperforming even the worst sources, BOL that barely works, and so few missiles that you can barely keep up in toptier when every other aircraft you’re facing carries upwards of 8. Still get kills, but not enjoyable.
Gripen. Actually, I think is fine-ish on the CM front, with 80 LCMs to fall back on, and a FM that can kinematically deal with a lot of threats. Its not too bad. Though yes, really does suck still.
The real victims are everything else. Especially the Harriers that struggle with being too hot to begin with. I feel especially sorry for the Viggen DIs at the moment, at least the SHar and F3 have amazing RWRs
2020 aircraft when??