F14B needs attention

As the f-14b is at 12.0 instead of 12.3 and the f-14a at 11.7 they will probably face 12.3 planes just as much.

Majority of my matches bring me 2-5 kills with the phoenix. There is a large amount of idiots. You can also kill su-27’s that are trying to bvr you.

Now trying to use the aim-7’s and aim-9L’s against 12.3 planes in furballs is a bit more of a hit and miss which i would advice against. The f-15 is better for that.

Looking at the statistics of my last 10 F-14 phoenix spam games i got 38 kills.

I find the tactic gets me way more kills for way less effort and way less time wasted and it also brings me less risk and less repairs

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this is it, that’s all there is to it.

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Highly doubt it, amraam got confirmed to be likely in the 2nd update next year.

Yes. But i do also believe that while unlikely, 14D would be in a good spot to be added in the next update.

One can wish, i guess…

I could write a suggestion for talds today

With that being the case, what the hell am I doing wrong with my Aim54c’s? My strat is climb to 5km+ altitude, get to at least mach1.1 and start lobbing them off at the cluster of enemies as soon as they’re within 50km range, cut the tws off at 20km. I barely get any kills with them so what are you doing different that makes them work?

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Funny post, you almost can’t believe this player climbed to the top of TT and yet remained so oblivious.
Where even to start
Decompression is issue with all top tier planes not just F-14
Missiles and their derivatives are used across the most US platforms and many BR’s

in the game and you cannot “balance” them for one plane alone.
Phoenixes are balanced and consistent. I was using 2-4 most of matches, around 40% of time I would get a kill (sometimes 2, once even 3) so this is pretty much the same as with any other missile

Lol and no.

If you wanna Aim 9m, you have F-16c and F-15. Just grind them, you’re close.

This is how you literally play all planes in WT.

To me, this sounds exactly as it needs to be.

Pointless rant.

The fact you are using C instead of A is already a mistake. Use A, ingame its superior

Get to mach 1, climb to 8km, level out, fire when enemies are 45km range or under
Also, you have to go in best aspect towards enemy team instead of following your team, so their natural furball forming wont cock your radar up
I dont turn the tws off at all, just after getting to proximity of 30km or so, i just turn back to base

I also take in mind the fake elevation indicators of radar, in reality you dont have -60 degrees of radar elevation.

Its important to be high so people dont see your launch, yet far so your rocket motors won’t be burning so the hostiles can’t see them. And make sure you look at target velocity, if its going at 1000m/s, that is a missile.

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  1. The br should not go down if anything the newer jets should go up in br.
  2. The Aim7m does show issues with tracking of targets but from what I have seen this is par for the course for a lot of SARH missiles so needs to be a general fix in the game.
  3. You acknowledge the F-14 never had a HMD why add it.
  4. This one seems to be the best course of action the F-14B did carry them I don’t really have issues with the Ls but with the Br it is at Aim9M wouldn’t be insane to add to it.

Well that worked an absolute treat, triple strike on my first try. Thanks man!


F14B is also missing it’s CW illuminator slaving to the TISEO (which would dramatically improve tail-chase and beam aspect reliability of the Sparrows with the AWG-9)

And //technically// the F14A was tested with VTAS during AIMVAL iirc


There’s a lot wrong with the F-14B, like how the TISEO is supposed to help slave the radar on a target and help guidance even if you lost lock, or that the AIM-54C is supposed to have a reduced smoke trail. It would probably fit better at 12.3 if most things were fixed and given AIM-9M.


And I just remembered the TISEO is supposed to have a scanning pattern like an IRST to lock aircraft.

See: F14 Tomcat thread in machines of war section

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Bug report was acknowledged and forgotten.


this is clear proof that the soviets are better at top tier since very 11.3 for the sole fact their flares point upwards AND are large caliber. This makes the flares live a lot longer than NATO whose devices point downwards making the countermeasures eat the ground as soon as they’re expelled and being left behind in case you are slightly higher. A single flare is enough to deter an aim9m from side aspect and a couple of flare pops can deter a magic 2 from a 1.5km rear aspect full burner target. Meanwhile NATO has to cope with the standard caliber flares which should actually be hotter and burn longer than russian’s LCCM because it has been reported that being large made them start to burn later, reach the highest temp later and also spend all their energy on powering up rather than keeping the fire on.
But that’s what it is. Gripen OP? How OP? Russian mains have all the power to kill it without engaging. It was just a distraction. Now look at it, basically a block 10 with a HMD and a blue cockpit instead of mexico yellow filter.

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a lot of sarh missiles in game? It has lower track rate than the 530ds which are awful. What do we have at that br? Skyflash Super T.E.M.P. which are worse than the 11.3 abomination that is the r24r coupled to a radar that vastly surpasses all nato aircraft in the game.

and for those that say nah you’s just an ameritard main coping I say no, i fly the mig21 smt and even despite getting constant uptiers i feel it does better than the f5e at 10.7 itself.

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What track rate are you talking about?

Drop the “ameri” and you’ll be correct, it doesn’t matter what nation you play.

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Queue the personal attacks that you’re known for!

What else would I expect from you?

Kind of hard to tell at this point… You have 102 topics, all of them consisting solely of whines and copes, 13 of which were made in the last week.

Scrolling through your topics, I don’t see any remote correlation. You go from whining about a flavor-of-the-hour aircraft, to “nerf these objectively better guns!”, then to the BR of another random aircraft.

My personal favorite is Do I have horrible RNG?

I don’t see a name in the files for “reliabilityoftrackingatarget?”
I didn’t ask for a list of missiles, I asked for an explanation.

Queue the personal attacks that you’re known for!

of course, i spend the whole time on the forum insulting people calling them dumbasses/stupid/retarded and that they have a skill issue, right? right.

Kind of hard to tell at this point… You have 102 topics, all of them consisting solely of whines and copes, 13 of which were made in the last week.

and all of them are right. Or do you really are that delusional to think that the aim7m which randomly runs out of energy out of the damn nowhere are balanced to r27er’s that literally act like AMRAAM 5 seconds before arriving to the target?

Scrolling through your topics, I don’t see any remote correlation. You go from whining about a flavor-of-the-hour aircraft, to “nerf these objectively better guns!”, then to the BR of another random aircraft.

huh? I’ve been consistent on my “copes” because the problems have been equally consistent. Not my problem if you have zero experience with these or flew them when they were meta.

I don’t see a name in the files for “reliabilityoftrackingatarget?”
I didn’t ask for a list of missiles, I asked for an explanation.

Le me when muh files

(skyflash SuperTEMP)
(super 530d)

t00k me only 5 minutes to look it up.

actually the 530d’s have worse track rate than the aim7m, but the radars guiding it are usually better so, who cares.

(empty space so that you can fabricate a personal attack towards you)

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Yes? You are?

Yes, I’m sure they are. That’s why in every topic there’s a dogpile against you, and you seemingly go silent less than 50 messages in with a majority of your topics.
Correction, on average you have 6 comments per topic.

The hell are you talking about?

The only thing consistent about them is the amount you make, and the fact that you get unimaginably dunked on in each and every one.

And it’s clear you have no clue what you’re looking up… rateMax is the maximum slew rate of uncaged seekers. It is entirely irrelevant to SARH missiles.

Do any of these have mechanically aimed antennae or receivers?

Sure mate, you seem to have mastered it in your other several hundred threads.

“wahhh, my only point of contention was proven wrong!! What should I do?!!?!”

Ah, yeah, say I’m gaslighting.

So much for being right though, don’t you think?

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