F14B BOL Flare Pod Not Functioning

I recently got the F14B’s flares / chaffs BOL modification, and I noticed my flare count is the same with the modification

You can see I have the modification researched and equipped in a loadout.

Now when I go into a test drive, you see I only have 30 flares, and 30 chaff, showing the flare / chaff BOL pod is bugged

Even in a battle, the flare BOL to configure flares and chaff, doesn’t appear.

Now, if we go to the Mig 23ML, and equip the Large Caliber Countermeasures, we have the option to configure flares / chaff in a battle


I have the same issue. You equip the pods but then you can’t select nor chaffs nor flares… Seriously why play the F14B at this point ?! Please fix it.

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100% have the exact same issue. They do not appear as equiped or useable but are 100% in the selected loadout.