Needs aim7p at the br everything around it destroys it so mid for a 13.0
examples (SU-33 F15-A Mig-29G etc )
Could make it a bug report, especially now that the AIM7P is in the game
is it the f14b or the d?
A+; B and D could carry the AIM7P
Indeed, and aim9m but at this point I think they won’t add it just because the F14B has Fox3s at the same br as the other aircrafts who have irccm missiles
brother doesnt matter there dog water missiles cant do anything should get aim9m SU33 at same br is better in all aspects
You can get su33 for free
This should be a bug report,we need some better missles for the F14
im on console so i cant
I’m on console too. You can bug report.
wont let me submit the photos of manuals and stuff cant copy and paste
that’s weird
On the aim-7p
Sadly someone called Heatloss made a comment that the f-14b because it lacks the DL capabilities in Sparrow mode but never gave any supporting documents and the Bug Reporting Managers just took his word for it and rejected the bug report.
Now I wonder, how could the AWG-9 have data link for the AIM54’s but not for the AIM7P? Something doesn’t make sense
you should try to mention that even if it lacks datalink it would still benefit from IOG
but it does have data link so i don’t understand why he said it dosen’t support sparrow data link. sadly the bug report is closed and you can no longer comment.
What they meant was that the F-14B doesn’t have “link 16” datalink. It has a personal datalink for the Phoenixes because the radar was made for using the Phoenix and because the Phoenix is an ARH. Link 16 on the F-14D allowed it to guide foreign missiles like the Aim-7P and AMRAAM, while also connecting with fighters instead of just AWACS systems. The F-14B (U) could use it though.