F104 is going through very serious problems

For ASA it doesn’t show you direction, only the fact that you’re locked by some radar. It has downgraded RWR compared to F-104S since it was considered to be enough irl with a presence of ECM system and tasks of the plane.


Look up a video of the asa, it used to show where a single band was coming from at a time but they nerfed it to where it only shows track. Im being 100% genuine. This thing needs to be 11.7, but it would fit 11.3 far better.

had no idea it had been nerfed man ffs. personally 11.7 and shit like the MLA and what not go to 12.0 etc seems better. but now weve got the fucking F5C sitting down at 10.7 again… this is just madness to me man

Its all fucked, the mig 23 is going down to 11.0 to shit on 10.0. the su 27 and j11 are going to 13.0 and will shit on most 12.0 (including the asa) with up to 8 r27ers…

The asa really wouldnt even be much of a threat at 11.3 due to the simple fact it wont be able to climb. A fast jet with 9ls that can dive on you is fucking terrifying, but the f104 will be stuck on the deck unless its a fulldown tier (which doesnt help the argument it wouldnt stomp but it would still face some 11.3s with SARH missiles).

The problem is even at 11.7 it would still face f14s in a full uptier and they are not going anywhere any time soon…


im absolutely shocked at how much compression theyare about to make in one simple BR change patch.

They also are keeping the entire of 7.0 air compressed due to the korean era stuff being 8.0, like the mig15 went down to 8.0 yet the Swift F1 is 8.3 xD it makes 0 sense. and as you astutely pointed out, the Su27 and J11 are going down??!?!??!?! whos idea is that xd

the F15 being 13.0, with the gripen was absolutely ridiculous, rather than push these back down or keep them at 13.0 due to them getting hammered by ARH armed jets, just split ARH into its own lobby.

statistically jets without ARH missiles are going to perform badly, if theyre consistently put into lobbies with said missile carrier. gaijins solution??? lets push the jets that will absolutely crush everything that isnt its contempary down in br. so now. and we will have, mirage F1s, F4Js, F104s etc all seeing more F16s, F15s. F14s. Gripens, Su27s, and J11s. (if im missing any tell me).

at this point, yes ASA has to go down, cause i mean ,jesus it will be fighting su27s, j11s. gripens, mig29s etc xd its just madness

this, this is just bat shit.

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Another update in br change list, and nothing about F104S, F104 S TAF and f104S ASA…
Continuing the discussion from Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024:

Continuing the discussion from Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024:

Continuing the discussion from Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024:

Its a real shame, i was waiting on the br changes as i saw the f104 asa being moved down as a given. It seems ill have to spend alot of sl to show gaijin just how shit of a spot its in rn. Wont be a problem as i dont even have chaff for it yet.

You have never flown the F-104S ASA and are completely incorrect.

Good luck doing anything about the F-90 and AIM-54A spam when you have zero idea one is even fired at you. You cant dodge them by going low anymore because of the buffs and MP height reduction. Not to mention, you can see AMRAAM carriers, as well as Flankers and Eagles. Zero competition.

It is insane that you have the idea that the F-104S is comparable AT ALL to aircraft at the same BR, like the Tornado F.3, Mirage F1CT and F-4J. You have a worse flight model than a tornado, no SARH missiles, and no RWR.


Been trying to spade it recently, thought i would wait on the br changes as it had to have been moved down right? Now im going to have to show gaijin using stats just how bad this thing is at 12.0, im going to net a negative kd for the first time since 2018…

After playing F111F with AIM9Ls, I can definitely say that generally Italian F104G has to be at 10.7, dunno about TAF and S (should give them usable radar missiles tho) but 150% F104S ASA DOES NOT BELONG AT 12.0. Having no radar missiles is already a huge con. Like, F4S with SIX AIM-7F and F104S ASA with 4 easily flarable, situational AIM-9L? Gimme a break.

ASA should be 11.7 AND HAVING HIS RADAR AND ELECTRONICS FIXED. Cuz Aspides are unusable, 4km radar range for that “another” radar mode is useless, plus the locking is trash.

F-111F also suffers from having no radar missiles, but at least it’s the fastest plane, can even outturn a lot of planes with such powerful engines and has good angle of attack, even tho loses energy maybe even more than F-104. And of course, loads of countermeasures, and the gun with 2000 rounds.
And it has 11.7. Now imagine F104S ASA fighting F15, or even F4S that annihilates any F-104 cuz flying casket can’t do simple maneuvers.

The mode is ACM.

Also your forgetting to mention the lack of an rwr, making chaff usless as you cant noth the missile.

The f104s is okay at 11.3 but it should get the 7-e2 (only if it could handle it irl) as having 7es against an f4e with 4 7e-2s at the same br? I dont think thats all that fair… The 7es have a minimum launch range of about 5-6km if the target tries to dodge it and a max of about 10km, so it only really works against all the new premim players you face. Although ill still take them as my aim with the vulcan on an f104 frame is terrible. Reminds me of the old tornado fm where it dumps speed without turning.

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Agreed, 100%

For the time being I kinda enjoy F111F, even tho I suppose I won’t be able to have more than 2.0 KD ratio cuz I don’t have radar missiles and everything has, and dodging them, AIM7F, R24R/R27 etc isn’t easy. Basically, anything with these radar missiles is better than F111F simply due to this fact of having them, but that’s okay F111F is a cool plane

Do you think that an F104S or S TAF is better than a Mig 21 Bis or Mig 23MF? Whether in flight performance or weapons it can carry, do you really think that the F104 is more powerful than these planes to have a bigger BR than them?

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Have you seen my coments on the f104 at all? Ive just finished spading the s so i am more than aware of its capabilities and im now onto the asa. The s against anything 11.7 and bellow its decent, the 7es aint great but usable. its when it faces 12.0 where it basically becomes usless. The s should go down to 11.0 if it cant get any better missiles and the asa could easily be 11.3.

The mig 23 shouldn’t be 11.0 now that is stupid, the mig 21 was fine at 11.3, i was having a blast in my bis sau before the br changes and now im just clubbing in it so there is my piece on it.


just like teh F5C going to 10.7 for some unknown reason, i racked up nearly a 2.0kd with it at 11.0 not amazing but that means it still performs fine at 11.0

now weve got 12.7 F16s again, and its recompressed to hell from 11.0 up to 13.7

its a shambles.

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I recently decided to crew the German F-104G just to try out a non-soviet high tier aircraft, and it really isn’t very good. I’ll be primarily comparing it to the German MiG-21Bis-SAU.

They have roughly equivalent acceleration at lower speeds, but the MiG-21 is miles better once you start to reach mach 0.8, and it will consistently stay at its speed limit of 1350ish kmh, while the F-104 accelerates slower, but has a higher top speed.

Neither have good energy retention, but the Mig-21 makes up for it in it’s vastly superior manoeuvrability at all speeds. Overall, the Mig-21 will win in any dogfight due to its superior acceleration and manoeuvrability.

As for armament, the F-104 has a vastly superior cannon with better ballistics and ammo count, but it only has 4 Aim-9Js, and you don’t even get them stock. The Mig has 2 R-60MKs stock, and can carry up to 6 of them, making it have much more potential.

Overall the Mig-21bis is a vastly superior aircraft at the same BR. And personally, I think that the Mig-21MF at 10.7 has comparable flight performance and equivalent missiles at 10.7.

Really, there’s no excuse for the F-104s to be so highly BR’ed, because they lack so much stuff that other planes have. They have the energy retention of a Mig-21, while having none of the manoeuvrability of one. If it had some sort of all aspect missile, I’d be fine with the F-104G being 11.0, but it’s just stuck with an R-60 equivalent.


The issue isnt that they are over BRd the issue is that most the shit around them is under brd

Realistically we need br about 15.0 to decompress properly, the f104s do not need to go down, 9.7 has enough nonsense to deal with not more f104s.

That is fair, and I agree.

Decompression would be a better solution to 90% of BR issues that air has.

As for the F-104G, my experience has gotten better as I work towards spading it, and I have figured out the strategy to playing it well.

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I never judge a platform until its spaded

Decompression would solve a plethora of issues along side some new game.modes