I’ve explained above, you ignored it and have no counter argument. All you can say is “it’s a guess” to avoid acknowledging any of my points.
No one said anything of the sort, I already said it has higher static uninstalled thrust. That is very evident. The peak thrust is likely lower, and I’ve explained why.
The -402 uses all of the best modifications of the RM12 and improves on the engine further, what I am saying is logical. Are you suggesting they further modified the RM12 to… make it worse?
Yeah one person simply cannot accept the fact that his favourite jet isnt what he wants it to be. And the rest of the forum is starting to call him out on his lies and deception.
Lies will always come back and get you if you keep it up for too long
Except you have no basis for this. You’re assuming based on nothing.
Stop trolling.
Your own source highlights how they didn’t use all the upgrades from the RM12 lol.
Just accept you’re wrong and move on. It’s getting insufferable watching your antics in every thread. At least the devs are aware and know to ignore most of the trite you say.
I don’t get why some of you are arguing that the RM12 has better performance when literally none of you have submitted any kind of source that would indicate it is better than the GE-402, only going off of the devs THINKING that it is better, the same devs that THINK that:
Abrams doesn’t have upgraded hull armor, while using outdated sources,
the same devs that THINK Stingers can’t have 22G overload because Igla can’t,
the same devs that THINK Leopard 2A7V should have worse armor than the 25 year older Strv122
Devs thinking anything is one of the worst ways to form an argument.
I think the MiG 23 is looking purely at performance at a certain flight level and speed. Volvo certainly modified the engine for what they thought was important for the Gripen - transonic performance and of course with great emphasis on reliability given the single engine concept. So the engine got higher performance where SAAB wanted it and higher safety
You didn’t even bother to read the thread. It’s MIG23M who has decided he believes the 402 has higher dynamic installed thrust, with absolutely zero qualifications, education, or science to back himself up. All available evidence states that the RM12 is the second best F404-GE engine made, with the 402 being their third best.
He claims the 402 used the same improved parts as the RM12, except one of the sources he himself has posted directly contradicts this. Not only that, but the source specifically says that it will limit the 402 in the upper left of the envelope compared to RM12. If anything, the evidence is that the RM12 has a better dynamic thrust curve than the 402. His evidence can be boiled down to “it’s slightly newer and american, so therefore it has to be better”. American exceptionalism epitomised.
My friend says it is significantly more durable and about 2 KN more powerful, that’s all I have to say. I’d have to search for articles and honestly I don’t want to look into it, it takes time.
The issue is that while there is a group of them trying to claim I am wrong (they are Gripen fans, obviously they would be motivated to believe I am wrong)… none of them have provided any counter or basis from which to say so. They just want to discount what I’ve been saying and ignore my points.
I have already addressed that engines with lower static uninstalled thrust are not necessarily going to have less installed thrust. The F404-GE-402 was designed to have a 20% increase in performance over the F404-GE-400 at the bottom right of the performance envelope. The RM12 was only designed to have a 15% increase in performance in that same area.
I’m not forming an uneducated opinion of any sort, I’m showing you what the data says because you’re refusing to read it. @SlowHandClap
We know thanks to the sources used in my RM12 thrust report (QNEP Thesis, NSAID, GE)… the F404-GE-402 produces 20% more thrust at the bottom right of the envelope. The RM12 was only designed to produce 15% additional thrust / performance in this area with a potential for an additional 5% growth in the future.
You’re pointing to a chart that shows the F404-GE-402 (EPE) behind the RM12, when the reality is that the F404-GE-402 was produced after, with all the improvements of the RM12 and further enhancements being made. It was designed for a higher thrust increase over the RM12 from the same basic engine, utilizing RM12 parts… this is explicit in the documentation you have been provided and you are refusing to read them.