F/A-18 Hornet (Legacy): History, Performance & Discussion

They said one or two updates for AMRAAMs so maybe they sneak a early hornet in before it or make f/a18 late or something

Or you know… 18C with improved performance engines?

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F-18A, and F-18C Block 1 [I think F-18s use blocks again] all didn’t use ARHs.

Being reasonable if this is the case, it dose meen Hornet is all but guaranteed for the next update.

Unless they add two on an update or add them late. But uhh- US is there money maker so I don’t see that happening.

Just checked the post by @Acroute

Post in question

F/A-18 Hornet (Legacy): History, Performance & Discussion - #11 by Acroute

All F/A-18Cs were upgraded to APG-73 out of factory which means 18C is compatible with AMRAAM from the get-go

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how ever they add them their placement is going to be weird

Compatible yes.
Block 1 [or whatever they call the first run of F-18Cs] was made before AMRAAMs entered service.
So they could add that without AMRAAMs and say F-18C Block 20 for AMRAAMs later on.

Just an option they have, and a potential thing they’d do.

Maybe but it not long till AMRAAMS any way so i wonder if they are going to skip the A version or not

It’s not really like that
18C had provisions from start except missile wasn’t there
If my understanding is correct, once AMRAAM entered service, it could be used on 18C with no modifications

Gaijin could add 18C in next update without the AMRAAM and in update after add it with other ARH missiles for other nations.

EDIT: 18A got capability only with replaced radar (APG-65 → APG-73) which in turn made it 18A+.

Well yeah, F-18 shouldn’t get AMRAAMs until turn of 2025 IMO.
We need to only have it on airframes with limited mounts.
4 - 6.
F-18C has 10 AMRAAM mounts.
It’d be like adding Su-30.

You are forgetting that Gaijin can balance the weapons
Yes, it can carry 10 AMRAAMS but will it carry so many AMRAAMs? Quite possibly no, at least on introduction.

I was under the impression the F-18C can do 12x AMRAAM but just hadn’t done so in US service. Maybe it was 8 and 10 rather than 10 and 12.

Yes, it will. Gaijin has not limited pylons before.
2 engine cowling mounted.
8 double mounted on 4 pylons.

While it wouldn’t be on the same level of overpowered as 18C with 10 AMRAAMs
F-104C still lacks two fuselage mounted AIM-9Bs
FJ-4B still lacks two more wing mounted AIM-9Bs for total of 6. Yes, it can carry 6.
In game, F-104C carries only 2 and FJ-4B carries only 4.


F-104C isn’t bug reported.
And FJ-4B was acknowledged.

So no, no limited pylons.

The Su-30 is more like the pre-2007 F-15E (rather than just a F-18C), they’re both meant for air superiority and missile-bussing; the Su-30 has a PESA radar, whereas the pre-2007 F-15E only uses PSP pulse-Doppler (AN/APG-70). Not to fear monger, but PESA radars are in the realm of Rafale, Patriot (missile system), B-1, and B-2 territory.

The other stats of the airframes seem decently similar everywhere else.

Doesn’t the A-10A Early and M2K-C both lack the maximum AAMs they could carry? Both were reported.

How do you reconcile the two statements. That FJ-4B was acknowledged but somehow is also not limited?

PESA isn’t that powerful. Still suffers all the important flaws of mechanical PD radars.

M2K has available AAMs on all available slots.
And A-10A early remains the only exception and is premium.

FJ-4B would be limited if it was “Not a bug.”

F-104C was bug reported.

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