F/A-18 Hornet (Legacy): History, Performance & Discussion

You can already do that. There’s no ASE cue, but just pitch the plane above the target and fire. Manual lofting done.

Tracking all, doesn’t work for missiles to extend range when they’re already limited by seeker… But that was changed since that post.

So it is now confirmed that the F/A-18 will not be included in next major update. Hornet is now more likely to be added later than AMRAAM.


Where was that?

I guess might considered add F/A-18 legacy Hornet with AIM-120 AMRAAM at 13.0 BR after gaijin introduced rank IX in 1 or 2 year but not this year

After the first major update gaijin could add F/A-18 with AIM-7



So first major update gajin not ready F/A-18 legacy Hornet with semi-active radar homing MRAAM AIM-7

I guess first major update USA tech tree might get new attack aircraft toptier after A-7E to early rank 8


I do find it interesting of all the original Teen Series fighters, they consider the Legacy Hornet as the one not ready yet.


With AMRAAMS on it i can see but if limited to AIM 7s i don’t get it

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Yeah, I figured they’d intro a standard F/A-18A (not a plus or a limited plus) first since that’s the way it’s been with the others. The thing would only have Sparrows and maybe the Nite Hawk pod…nothing ground breaking.


I was thinking the same thing

To be fair though, with the US getting like 3 top tiers that basically changed the meta in a year, I can kind of see why Gaijin’d be a bit hesitant to add another one so soon

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No love for Hornet…
Big sad

The US hasn’t gotten anything better than other nations in the past year, though:

Going through the updates from the past year, spoilered because it's kind of a wall of text

Apex Predators - December 20, 2022

  • USA air gets F-16A/ADF, Italy, Israel, and China get their own versions
  • USSR air gets MiG-29 (9-13) with R-27ER
  • USA ground only gets two premiums, one being a top tier premium
  • USSR ground gets Strela and an event vehicle

Sky Gaurdians - March 7, 2023

  • USA air gets a top tier premium and an updated F-16 ADF model (Italy does as well)
  • Germany air gets MiG-29A with R-27ER’s
  • USA ground gets a mid-tier heavy tank
  • USSR ground gets Pantsir

La Royale - June 14, 2023

  • USA air gets F-14B
  • USSR air gets two Su-25 variants, one being premium
  • USA ground gets a mid-tier medium and a top tier premium
  • Other nations’ ground don’t get a top tier premium lol

Sons of Attila - September 19, 2023

  • USA air gets F-16C
  • USSR air gets MiG-29SMT
  • Israel air gets F-16D
  • USA ground gets Imp. Chaparral
  • Germany gets Leo 2 PSO

Kings of Battle - October 31, 2023

  • USA air gets F-111A
  • Germany gets MiG-29G
  • USA ground gets a mid-tier premium
  • Japan ground gets Type 81 (C)
  • Italy ground gets Leo 40/70

Air Superiority - December 14, 2023

  • USA air gets F-15A (the worst jet of the update)
  • USSR air gets Su-27 (and China gets J-11)
  • Sweden and UK get Gripen
  • Japan gets F-15J
  • France gets Mirage 4000
  • USA ground gets a top tier premium and a copy-paste but heavier M1A2, doesn’t give it spall liners
  • USSR gets T-90M which has spall liners
  • Germany/Sweden get their new Leos with spall liners

So all in all, the USA got three, but the USSR got five and Germany got four. I mean a minor nation (Japan, not counting Israel cause that’s just USA 2) got only one less ‘meta-changing’ vehicle than the the USA, a major nation.

Still with the F15 is bad copium i see


One thing is for sure is the F/A-18 is in development, or at least the plans are there.

Last year it was clearly stated that it was “not in any immediate plans”, but this time it’s just “not an aircraft coming soon”, which makes me think that it’s currently unfinished or considered as an inadequate one to release now. Maybe the second half of the year would be a chance for the Hornet.

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It’s the worst jet lol how is that copium

try out Uk before they received the gripen lol


They got the Gripen though?

yes, but they suffered way more before, you are complaining about an aircraft when US got way more multiple strong aircraft and the F-15 still is a good bit better then other aircraft at its br


I’d say the F-15 remaining at 12.3 is criminal. It’s really good. Not exactly “meta” but really good.