F/A-18 Hornet (Legacy): History, Performance & Discussion

Possibly better PGMs (balance-dependent), probably batter targeting equipment.

I’m honestly not too sure to be honest, I just kinda think a TT Hornet focused on night attack would be neat in-game

But why cant they just give it to the C?

Balance reasons perhaps, maybe keeping the F/A-18C specific to a certain BR, idk

Well, Hornet got bit of spotlight (though emphasis on “bit” since it was very brief) in latest video on RWRs (as of writing this post)
I am fully aware this means nothing but its a nice touch they mentioned it by saying that its “a plane not currently present in the game”.
Let’s hope this changes soon.


I doubt theyll do like that to be honest.

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One of the concerns at the moment is the possibility of ALR-45 equipped F/A-18A/B.


I hope developers don’t take this too seriously.


Well the AV-8B+ would be before the 18C as well.
I think F-18A should come as it’d be a good addition after F-14B.
6x AIM-9Ms and 2x AIM-7s; America’s Su-27 while actually being better.

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It depends on the period, since the possible A2A loadout for early F/A-18A/B is 2x AIM-9 + 4x AIM-7 or 6x AIM-9 + 2x AIM-7.

Fixed comment. I just woke up.

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Yeah, my thinking as well.

It’s not unlike F-16A and F-16C, with the latter more modern and capable than the A.

Also, the F/A-18 would fit quite well almost in parallel with the corresponding Viper variants, with A no GBU’s and Sparrows only and the C with GBU’s, TGT/NVG and alter - when it arrives - AMRAAM growth capability.

IIRC, the Marines used the two seater Delta mainly to lower the workload for the pilot in the strike role, but capabiliy-wise (avionics/armament, they are basically identical to the Charlies.


Seeing as Fox-3s are just around the corner, I don’t see Gaijin adding another top tier vehicle without a top tier loadout - especially seeing as other 12.3 jets will have their own.

We would more likely see a later year F/A-18A that had the upgraded AN/APG-73 and ability to fire the funny.

I dont know man. I think the su 27 we have cannot use active radar missiles


We could theoretically get an early F/A-18A, the update before ARH missiles are added.

Gaijin could also do sort-of a trial run with them, by adding them to stuff like the Sea Harrier FA.2, J-8F, to test things out

No it can’t a new one would be needed so i see them making the first f15 with AMRAAMS the F15C

Wasn’t that 27S?

Honestly, that’s what I was thinking as well.

You wouldn’t add an F-15C with AMRAAMs if you gave them to the F-15A at the same time, unless it was because the C would skip towards something like AIM-120Cs or AIM-120Ds

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Fair point I guess
But if update after next one brings medium range ARH missiles, what will US get then?
Early Hornets did not have AMRAAM capability

They said one or two updates for AMRAAMs so maybe they sneak a early hornet in before it or make f/a18 late or something

Or you know… 18C with improved performance engines?

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F-18A, and F-18C Block 1 [I think F-18s use blocks again] all didn’t use ARHs.