F/A-18 Hornet: Announcement & Pre-order!

Wait…why only for US and Sweden? Isn’t it customary to spread vehicles to as many tech trees as possible now?

Germany could get the Swiss F/A-18
GB could get the Australian/Canadian F/A-18


Seeing this and disappointed to a physically painful level, a glimmer of tiny hope has started to nest itself into me that it may yet come as a future Event or Squadron vehicle…


“neither are subtrees for those nations”. as a GB Main i dont think they need a F/a-18 and neither does germany

In addition to this, Sweden also lacks any alternative jet to the Gripen, and Germany has the Typhoon which is currently the most powerful plane in the game. America obviously gets one because its the nation of origin, but any other nation that could get the F/A-18 does not need it right now per se.


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Agree, but high tier germany still lacks a capable cas jet (i know swiss hornets didnt carry any ground ordanace).

A) swiss hornets do carry ground ordnance, but nothing more than the typhoon
b) the typhoon is very much a cas capable jet

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Probably like the F-104, given to the US at first, then the rest in the future

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Anyone know when approx dev server will go live?

Yes, but the higher tiers of the german tt dont have a capable cas jet. I dont mean top tier, i mean the tiers below 12.0. (and no the tornado is not a good ground rb cas jet)

After the dev stream, so propably in the evening.

The Swiss F/A-18C wouldn’t provide any better CAS options than the Tornado IDS ASSTA1, so it doesn’t really make a difference.


Ordanance wise yes, but due to the way better flight performance it would be way better than the tornado assta1. Speaking of tornados… Why cant we get newer tornados in this update?

I just hope that we are gonna see more vehicles in the dev stream later today!


Swiss AF has lost all A/G capabilities, weaponry etc. when the Hunter’s time was over in 1994. Only with the F-35 those capabilities will be reinstated again.


True, but gaijin won’t want to add an entirely new vehicle that requires seperate development due to having minor changes over the original just because the flight model is better. I see your point though

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Got it, i just did some research and saw that they have the ATFLIR but no ground ordnance to accompany it, my mistake :)

Yes, the ATFLIR was introduced specifically for identification of air contacts, actually.


Fascinating, good to know!

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Was hoping the premium F/A-18C got AIM-7P’s in exchange for no AIM-120’s ˙◠˙


Don’t understand why the F/A-18C “Late” gets AIM-7P’s when it also has AIM-120’s as well.
It’s just going to be wasted and not used at all.

Other than A2G capabilities what’s different in the A2A department between the tech tree F/A-18A at 12.7 ARB and the premium F/A-18C “Early” at 13.0 ARB?


F/A-18C “Early” is getting AIM-7P’s


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Is the US f-18 gonna be under the f14 or the Harrier?