F/A-18 Hornet: Announcement & Pre-order!

According to the leak F-14. But the leak list also said “new F-14 line”. Do with that as you will.

I guess we’ll know SOON tm

That pre-order camouflage is literally MiG killer from Operation Desert Storm

It said F-14 “folder”, because the F-14A and F-14B are going to be foldered.


They always force stona to drop the most infuriating dev blogs 🤣.

@Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT

Where’s Hornet E?
You realize that C version is outdated and obsolete compare to current top tier?
BTW, where’s AIM-174? how you suppose we should fight EF2k, Rafale, F-15E?

Aim-174 for the current top tier ?

Back in the days: “We won’t sell top tier experience”


think AIM-174 might be a bit too OP?

And why not? Hornet have very poor max speed and acceleration compare to EF2k, Rafale, F-15E.
Only way to counter them is having longer range missile.

You didnt even try the FM, it’s not even out…

Why should i try the FM? We have all data in open access.

This missile is only for the E/F variant (we have A and C coming) and was only officially revealed in 2024. It’s not at all something that would come anytime soon.


AIM-9X then? At least…

dont push the game to its limit so fast bro

I ve heard the same about EF2k, Rafale, PESA/AESA.
It was literally a ~half year ago. So?

what about the germans, shouldn’t they get f 18? Switzerland has F18, so I guess Germany should get F18?


@Smin1080p_WT can you please confirm that the f/a-18 isn’t coming to the strike line

thats cheap. i have most of the top tier premium jets. and the viggen is my fave

Is it worth in yall opinion ?