F/A-18 Hornet: Announcement & Pre-order!

Wow, five seconds on Wikipedia, and I already found out the weapon load of the F-18.
“The AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-65E Maverick, AGM-88 HARM and the AGM-62 Walleye I/II.”
So explain how America gets everything, but Sweden/Finland only gets missiles. At least the MiG 21 could use rockets to take out bases and tanks, even if Gaijin nerfed the rockets for no reason.

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Again, so why should America get three F-18s, while Finland gets the worst version? Sweden is already terrible enough for CAS and destroying bases, at least give Finland a chance to actually have something.

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Us tech tree doesn’t benefit from f18c a2g wise, it’s worse f16c and us already has f15e. The other nations that lacks a2g munition needs this f18c the most.

No sir, thats not the worst F-18. It will be fun in all those AirSB where people joins ad asks is this PVE??? It will be fun to cover up the a$$ of the CAS planes and wipe our the PVE players

Sweden has nothing for air to ground besides the Grippen. Unless you really want to talk about the flareless wonder that is the AJ and AJS. So yeah, I’m peeved that Sweden gets nothing again.

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Great, another undertiered 4th gen to bully 12.0.

Don’t forget to report them for those things said in chat as well ;)

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I honestly don’t mind, it gives a middle step to a then much more upgraded F/A-18C MLU at the end of the line (hopefully with AIM-9X and AIM-120C depending on how far in the future it might appear in the game).

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They won’t give Sweden anything with ordnance, otherwise they would have put it in there in the first place.

Welp, I need to post this…

Why wouldn’t they?

Great. Mid update. Nothing new. Newbies at top tier. No decompression. Pretty much no spaa’s. Oh yeah and the best ARH in game at BVR and 2 nd place at WVR on a platform with TVC and a PESA radar.
What could go wrong?
Forgot about something… no new gamemodes


Honestly gripen has shitty loadout for a2g, i hoped gaijin adds some a2g for sweeden and there’s a reason to grind swedish tech tree but it looks like more premiums for us and advanced stuff for russia.

That’s bad choices, and my point. If Australia isn’t a nation, the vehicles should go to host nation. I feel the same way about English, German, and French vehicles.

These trees should be and feel unique, not be C&P of each other. Where the only ones who really benefit are the smaller nations and the bigger nations have their unique aspects watered down.

Which also segues my other point not sure if it was in response to you or another. Since theyre doing it this way, trees need to go away. You just pick and choose to grind ranks at every level.

This way, you (as I assume an Ozzie) could just pick and choose your vehicles at every level. Not having to stick with any one tree. Or choose what you want instead.

These trees are being watered down to the point I don’t see why they just don’t do away with it and let everyone pick one at a time as they grind down. Other than obviously it helps gaijin capture more money. But from a player standpoint my opinion sticks I think.

Now then, the important question. Will there be an alien invasion event?

America gets three F-18s, all with the ability to use CAS in this update. Sweden gets one with no ability. Why would they turn around in a future update and post humorously give Finland an additional F-18 when the novelty is gone. I mean, South Africa doesn’t have any other planes (they used the Cheetah and other jets), India doesn’t have anything else (Mirage, Rafael, MiG 29), Netherlands doesn’t have anything beyond the Fokker and Hunter. They don’t go back for minor nations.

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I hardly consider a slightly different Su-27 as an example of Russian bias. Americans literally cried so much they had to make a smaller update to give them the F-15E.

I wouldn’t say it’s bias at all, but let’s not act as if Russians don’t cry as well.

Expecting an edition of your own damn plane isn’t crying, it’s common sense.

  • Not a U.S. main.

Because in game vehicles are to a very large degree modeled after real life counterparts. Sometimes the ordinance can be changed based on balance (like the Swedish JAS39C getting the AGM-65G that it didn’t use IRL but technically can but also NOT getting the IRIS-T and METEOR missiles because it would be to over powered).
I see no reason for them not to give the F/A-18C MLU to Sweden at a later date with both better missiles and CAS ability at a higher BR. This addition would then just mean that the Finnish line doesn’t skip from 11.0 directly to a future possible 15.0+ AIM-120C carrier. Its just a nice extra in the meantime. I don’t think i’ve ever seen them add more than one vehicle at the top of a line at one time (unless an entire sub-nation is added).