F/A-18 Hornet: Announcement & Pre-order!

In your head

It makes tradeoffs. It has more missiles in exchange for worse top speed. However it has great low speed maneuverability to make up for that.

Blue Angels camo when?


no, hopefully not. It’s good it’s only Sweden and US.

Makes having this plane more unique to the specific trees.

It’s not really about need tbh, Let’s take the F/A-18A it is an iconic plane and Australia had a lot of them.

Some of us want to play our iconic planes with our national markings that went into service, and the UK tech tree is the only real place for Aus planes :)

They don’t need it period. Any nation that could get it basically already has a better plane. This should be used to fill small gaps in a small number of nations and keep trees unique with unique stuff.

Not copy pasting it cuz people feel left out. You want it? Grind another tree.

What is even the point of trees anymore if this continually keeps happening?

Just make one tree where you can select one tank from any nation at any BR that fits in the light tank/spaa/med tank line and then grind to the bottom. Rinse and repeat.

It makes no sense to keep handing out shares things but keep lines separate.

war thunder live skin for the F/A-18

Would be cool to see an aussie one ingame, but Gaijoobs wont allow it in the UK tree

I love how Gaijin absolutely hates Sweden and refuses to let them have any sort of CAS. Their strike aircraft line was dreadful to grind since majority of it was just rockets. Glad to see that even though the F-18 is a multirole, they refuse to give Sweden/Finland the multirole part.

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They did for the F-111C So I don’t see why they wouldn’t. So fingers crossed.

The U.S. is the only real place for a U.S. plane licensed to another nation in the absence of having its own tree.

I hoped the same too, this update feels like an excuse to bring more advanced russian stuff.

Well, if there is nothing IRL, why would you get it in game?
Of course, GJ could have copy&pasted the RNoAF F-16A Block MLUs with AIM120B, Paveway II and Penguin.


The only exception to an Australian vehicle that is U.S. Made in the U.S Tree is the M1A1 AIM squad vehicle, The U.S. made f-111c went into the UK tech tree. They are ally nations anyways so it would nt affect SIM or RB because it’s mixed anyways.

Just heard from the russia stream, 2 air vehicles are planned for the UK this update. One will probably be the Harrier T.10 that was leaked. The other… (hornet aussie or canada are my bets) but could also be an indian vehicle too

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There is hope :), Thanks for filling me in mate!

Thank god, a Hornet to counter the terrible F-4 Phantom spam. This is going to be good!

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Except they literally have CAS capabilities? Oh cool, they have a slightly better missile, that makes up for the fact it’s also supposed to be able to rain havoc on maps with AGMs, GBUs, and literally everything it was designed to do.

The F-111C could have been added as an option for the F-111K however both Canadian and Australian vehicles have been scattered around because both aren’t subtrees.

I’m cool with UK receiving Canadian and Australian machines but these should at least be their own creations (like the CF-105 Arrow) instead of asking for russian, American, German machines until these countries actually become subtrees for the UK, then actually become sub, then you can dump everything (like most subs).

Only the later upgraded variants of the Finnish F/A-18C have CAS ordinance: (Finnish F-18C & F/A-18C Variants and Discussion) The first versions used in the Finnish military did not use anything but air-to-air weapons.

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