That update should’ve been Eurofighters, and let Germany, Britain, and Italy finally have an update for themselves and enjoyed having a dominant role in air again. I mean, what were the top jets before? Oh yeah, the always-nerfed MiG 29, the Tornado (literally who actually used that), F4 Phantom (what a joke), and the Grippen. Wow, such amazing top tiers (well, the Grippen is amazing, but still).
Then the Americans cried about not having a jet, and let’s not forget how the comments on every video and every page was, “F-18 when?” and then whined until they got an American jet (and then whined when Israel also got it).
They gave America three planes at the top of the line, in a sense. It doesn’t make sense to add the C-block for America, but completely forget about the Finnish C-block. I mean, they didn’t forget about Israel when they put the F-15E in. They didn’t forget about Japan and Israel when they put the F-15 in. Pretty sure all the MiG 29s came out at the same time as well.
Gripen E + F/A-18C MLU II would be quite the nice combo
I also don’t recall Russian mains ever crying. The only complaint I recall is when they made the Su-33 a squadron for whatever reason, and the constant nerfing of the MiG 29s and their missiles. I remember when the MiG 29 was an actual threat that I usually tried to avoid. Now I treat them exactly as how I treat early American planes (or how everyone else treats bombers): free elimination.
So? You talk about general F/A-18C’s capabilities, he talks about what the Finnish F/A-18C’s carried (until much later when A/G weaponry was integrated by the Finnish AF)…
It doesn’t mean American mains or enthusiasts wanting their own jet is some unreasonable request.
Other nations shouldn’t be getting their gear before the hosts nations own nation receiving theirs. It’s not unreasonable for any nation to expect their own gear simultaneously or before another.
I have no problem with EF and Rafale getting to share their dominance longer like you said. Not that I think it’s gonna change now, but I agree. Since gaijin doesn’t have balance or (seemingly) want it, and nations go through highs and lows. I see now issue with letting them reign longer.
But no nation should be faulted for wanting their own gear before or as well when another nation gets it. It’s not unreasonable no matter who’s requesting it.
That’s my only point.
You don’t see Russians crying because you must not want to. They’re always crying, just not as much as American mains.
It’s just copy and paste aircraft in the first place. Who cares if Finland gets a couple of free bombs. I guess it’s the end of the world that Sweden can actually perform CAS, am I right?
I do, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.
Why can’t Sweden do CAS with the Gripen?
If i’m going to be finicky about it they are added with two planes (the two F-14) in between so not really both at the end of the line and a premium isn’t in a line. but i sort of see your point.
They also haven’t added the Swiss/Australian/Canadian/Spanish/etc versions of the F/A-18 either, as long as they haven’t explicitly said no then there is still a possibility for things to come later.
When they added the JAS39 to the game Sweden got the A version while the others got the C version. Sweden didn’t get the C version until later so why couldn’t the case be the same for the F/A-18 version in the Swedish tree?
So far you haven’t really stated a reason for it not to come later other than “i want it now” sort of sentiments.
I don’t recall Germans, Brits, or Italians crying for the Eurofighter every time the Americans got something. I remember when the F4 came out, they were begging for the F-15 and F-16, and whined every update until they got it. Then they cried for the F-15C and the later variant for the F-16 the second the trailer came out for the F-15 and F-16. Then they cried again for more and more.
That’s the difference.
British mains, our biggest complaint they had was that the Brimstones were not accurate. So evil, I know. That, and the fact that we get shafted with unusable HESH rounds that should’ve been fixed by now.
German mains… all I know is they whine Russian bias when their Tigers don’t single handily wipe out the entire lobby the second they spawn in. Then again, that’s basically how the Level 9 Click-Bait and Aim enjoyers feel when they see a T-90 and use their HEAT-FS against it.
Italian mains… we’ve been begging for the OTOMATIC to go down a BR for years. That’s our only wish.
You calling me big headed?
Devstream said its going to be a 12.7 at update live release.
Is Spain in the game? No. Is Australia in the game? Beyond a premium, a squadron, no. Is Canada in the game? Two SPAAs and a premium for a completely different country, otherwise no.
They are no a tree, not a subtree, just a country that happens to exist as a novelty inside an established nation.
Although, I completely forgot the Grippen C came later for Sweden, I thought they all came at the same time (I must’ve been too into the grind to not recall the Grippen being added). So I’ll give you that one. Then again, South Africa got the knock-off Derby missile, not the AIM-120A that Sweden and Hungary got, but I digress. Maybe you’re right, maybe they’ll add it. We shall see.
Lol then you’re paying attention even less than I thought. Cmon dude you can’t be serious.
I’m not saying they don’t complain more, they do.
It probably goes
U.S. …(space)… Russia, Ger and then the rest
They will be added in Nations that operate it for the most part like they did with the gripens and f16s.
No lol
Just saying it’s in your head only, it’s just an opinion.
Keeping the fact that it makes a lot of financial sense for Gaijin to continue to implement 13.0 premiums (and it doesn’t seem like a stretch to already assume 14.0 premiums will exist when BRs start reaching 15.0-16.0), then it does not seem like a big deal. At least not to me. Sure, there will be a lot of people who don’t understand the complexities or style of gameplay that exists at top tier, but you also have players who do who will also be getting it. And sure, top tier air battles might be a bit bland and rough the first couple of weeks. Its the just War Thunder we have. But personally, I think its fairly nice the US is getting a wide spread of Hornets right out of the gate. And I don’t doubt for a second this might be used later like in the next update in a fashion like “Shut up, US mains. you got 3 top tiers (really only one with the C-Late) and we didn’t get our F-2 or [insert shiny toy name].” Fair point I guess.
Anyways, a cool (but still rather late, by like a year) edition. Kudos, Gaijin.
Ah yes, since Sweden gets one jet that can actually perform a multi role, that means they shouldn’t have anything else. Makes sense. Sorry for wanting something else to ground pound beyond the Grippen. Also, some people enjoy using one nation, so you’re bound to find someone using a pure Finnish lineup. Why not give them the ability to use CAS with it?
Why throw it into the Dev server at 13.0 if the ultimate plan was to make the C early 12.7 for release? Clearly it was intended for 13.0 but I guess they saw how bad it’s sale outlook looked at it’s reception.
Then the world is in my head