F-5's all feel pretty weaksauce for game META

so you dont have an F-5C …do you have an E?? Its same but WAY better thrust yes if you are fighting a Tiger in a subsonic brick it should actually be hard for the Harrier they not air superiority vehicles they did good in Falkland because better missiles and tactics where used againts aging aircraft and pilots with suspect training

its not good in game META its very good in circle fights that are 1vs1 where both party stay commited and dont try to use thrust to disengage but thats a mode called Customs not Air Realistic…

I havent got any F-5, only fought against them loads and know they are very good dogfighters.

IRL. Sea Harrier FRS1s fought F-5Es from the USAF Aggressor squadron in 1v1 combat and beat them nearly every single time. So much so that the F-5E squadron thought they were the ones being evaluated and not the ones conducting the training. A squadron F-15As based in Germany heard about this and asked to have a go and ended up loosing to the SHars at a ratio of 3:1 in 2v2 combat.

In game Harriers. Especially the SHars are massively nerfed in a number of ways. But a cruicial way is that heat sigs are barely modeled and done by engine thrust. F-5s with fairly low thrust are nearly unkillable with any IR Missile and very hard to lock (actually colder than the F-117 at the moment) meanwhile the SHars are some of the hottest aircraft in game, and missile routinely ignore flares even with special tactics employed like throttling practically to idle.

F-5C is one of, if not the strongest 10.7 aircraft in game at the moment.


And apart from the A-10Cs 9Ms or the Su-25Ts R-73s, all will be very easily flared away. Even those could be flared somewhat easily.

That being said. Fairly certain i’ve had an F-5E 1 tap flare defeat a 9M from the Gr7 before the decompress. Was difficult to tell and I couldnt be bothered to check in replay afterwards, but from my angle it looked like it went for a flare instead of the reheating F-5E in rear-aspect shot.

It IS a good airframe at it’s BR.
Agile, decent at retaining energy, don’t lose all it’s energy turning, great guns and small.
It can performly extremly well played right.
Get on someones six or thirdparty busy planes.

Best dogfighter at it’s BR snd disgusting to face in a 9.7-10.0.

And: if you think it’s so bad, there is noone forcing you to play it


I havent seen a hunter in months bro…lol I dream of downtiers if I want to fight Hunters I jump in my Mirage F5 it stomps F-5C to because I can absolutely dominate both with Velocity and Altitude 2 35 g missiles that fly of rails immediately and can gunrun them down or force turn at very least all at a br of 10.0 same with japan my F-1 and T-2 both frequently pick on hunters and Tigers heck I even get PD radar with those to properly intercept and not just assume where they are

That will be because the Hunter F6 is unplayable at the moment as it only faces uptiers and the SRAAMs are buggy as hell. Hunter F58 see a better time, but not many play it I find.

But Hunter vs F-5C is just as unfair as F-5C vs Mig-23MLD.

I also find most people dont really play 9.7/10.0 much because they are almost always uptiered.

I’ve had 9L/Is defeated by a single flare from an afterburning phantom before. I have no clue why, but it somehow was flared.

I’ve also had f-5cs flare PL-7s that were less than 300m away from them, which was quite annoying.

Yeah, Gaijin desperately need to overhaul IR sigs in this game.

yea you know you can stop a 9M from ever being shot by preflare right…unlike other missile a flare before he launch will shut his seeker so he cant fire 9M …if you drop 1 flare every 2 seconds he cant shoot aim-9M at you from rear

Not what is being discussed.

Its about defeating a missile that is already in the air and not blocking the 9M from being fired.

any IR missile fired at an F-5, first and foremost is hard to lock on at longer range, but can be defeated mid air with a single flare 99% of the time. Even comprable AB aircraft, will likely need to at least throttle out of reheat first to acheive the same. F-5s have easily half the engine temp they should have when on reheat and really needs addressing

Grimtax did a really good test.

F-5C on full afterburner is colder than a F-117:

nope tons of them out there I just killed two german ones with Matra’s while I was going mach 1.17 they stood no chance lol Im playing 10 realistic hunters are in every game…yea hunters shouldnt face things that laung 35 g missiles and can go Mach 1.25 lol thank god they can at least dogfight an f-5C where they can at least try to shoot at it cause they stand no hope againts my Dorrito with mach 3 missile

Most of the time, a well played F-5C wont even try to turn fight a Hunter. They’ll just run away and BnZ

Last time I played a Hunter F6 in ARB, I spent more time chasing after Q-5s and F-5s than I did doing anything else.

mate I dont get this I have no trouble getting locks from 4 to 8 oclock on f-5C with Matra 1’s , Aim-9P’s or R-60’s …I actually dont expect to get ir locks on weak engines from 3 or 9 oclock aspects …and Nighthawk has ir model bugs yesterday I killed 4 of them at ranges of 5 km even from below or above where engines blocked by tail to prevent ir signature …I used an Aim-9B on Milan every kill 4km at least… So yea dont compare weak cold motors to bugged ir sig

Of course it can in a 1 circle or 2 circle…those are literally the dumbest ways to fight it…

ok but you cant kill it with missiles either, and gunkill is unlikely

hmm you mean like all the Mig-23’s and 11.0+ Phantoms do to the Tiger???I get not liking playing aircraft of a different gen in a hunter totally bad MM I truly believe people in subsonics not called Harriers should be in a standalone MM so they can actually fight and not just get fleeting chances reversing things with way more enerny potential but man F-5’s are literally that same position right now …They are OP in a downtier but you might get 1 game outa ten that you see 9.7 …Maybe Gaijin needs an actual cutoff br so 10.0 cant see 9.7 but put enough at 10. 0 and 11.0 for early 3rd gens to not fight all the fox 1’s or high speed g all aspect missiles …I would like to never see an enemy hunter in my Tiger’s games but that dosent mean it should face a meta its got little to contribute ( beside missile evasions and defensive flying)

why not?

Every singel 9.7 match i have done in recent memory is facing F-5Cs.

If you want to buff the F-5C then its BR MUST increase. If you want to lower its BR then it MUST be nerfed (like loosing its CMs)

it is THE strongest aircraft at 10.7. It should still be 11.0 and only moved down because US premium players are really bad