I was also against these additions. Adding vehicles some country looked at one time opens a whole can of worms, like japanese F-14A and Su-27.
Where did I say I supported those additions? As I said, testing only vehicles should only be added if they fill a gap that can’t be filled in any other way. Still, could be worse. Imagine if they added a captured/borrowed/tested vehicle to one country but didn’t even add a variant to the country that made it. Oh wait…
You may not support them but it doesn’t change the fact that they are still in the game
meanwhile the a-10 with the ability to just walk up to an aircraft and see if its friendly or not, and If not BRRRRRRRRRT
Okay so then why should I support a suggestion that I don’t like? And as I said, it could be much worse. Imagine if they added a British ship to the Soviet tech tree and didn’t give the ship to the British. Oh wait…
And so we don’t want to see MORE of them.
Who said that they’re ok?
Don’t remember people complaining much when Sweden got those
So what? That doesn’t mean copy paste is good. Soviet F-5E is a bad addition, regardless of if unrelated nation has an unrelated Russian MBT
People definitely complained when they got them. Reasonably so. It was Bologne and a half that Gaijin gave it to them- and people even now are complaining about it. I sure do. I bring up how much I hate copy paste just about every chance I get.
The US shouldn’t get Captured Soviet/German Vehicles, and the USSR shouldn’t get captured German/Western tech. End of Sentence. Period. However, if nations must, and I mean MUST, have other tech, at least make it tech they actually had the capability to operate in a fighting capacity. None of this “well we captured one but we didn’t have any exterior armaments available for it but still we should get it” Horseplay.
I would not sit here and argue for a US Su-27, or T-34, or T-80, etc. etc. The US should have domestically produced or acquired vehicles. ONLY.
Better yet, add it as a skin to avoid copy pasting vehicles.
Germany gets captured and tested vehicles added to their normal tt - people are happy
USSR about to get the same treatment - people are mad
the double standards lmao
I haven’t seen a single player happy for German copy paste.
There’s going to be people upset about it, but most people like them from what I’ve seen.
At least half of them were modified by Germany and are unique vehicles, namely the KW 1 C. The outright copypaste vehicles shouldn’t be there.
I dislike any and all copy paste that makes visual identification harder or nearly impossible (especially with decals to cover-up roundels)
Sure… Right after the US gets the:
MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29, Su-7, Su-22, Su-27…
Do you see why this is a stupid suggestion yet?
If you want to make suggestions for those feel free, nobody is stopping you
The point is, these are all bad suggestions, USSR F-5 included.
Tech Trees exist for a reason.