I say +1, them sim players made gaijin nerf some models for air rb, so its just fair for them to suffer with more copy pastas in different trees
-1 for copy paste
+1 as a skin for the F-5E ingame.
When did they do that?
I had only seen a few pictures and thought it was just US paint for training pilots. I had no idea this was an actual thing. Thanks for the detailed and interesting read!
This wasn’t even exported though. You can’t even use that argument with this bs
Im also for captured vehicles to appear in tech trees. however only as premiums like how they are in the german tree.
Well, I don’t. It just makes it pointless to play one nation. US and USSR have a ton of domestic options for cold war that are infinitely better than captured vehicles.
yes but it adds that little bit of spice while itself being something which can give a nod to a bit of history not so well known about
They can give a nod to history with a skin
-1, As many have said already, these types of captured/tested vehicles should only be available for tech trees that have no other alternatives. The russian tech tree has the luxury of a VERY diverse cast of indigenous planes that fills the role and BR that this plane would otherwise fill. Not to mention, this would be a complete copy/paste without anything interesting to add.
If we were to give the russian tech tree this vehicle, we might as well just give both russian and american planes to each other and make the tech trees viritually identical, since both of them have captured, disassembled and evaluated each others’ aircraft throughout the cold war.
Screw it, why not? +1
For BP/Event, captured and only tested make better rewards than 90% of them.
It’s better to add the Iranian F-5 in USSR tech tree. Anyways +1
I would only be in support of this if it also meant the US or Israel could get the captured Mig-21F (Israel would actually be properly justifiable, seeing as they nearly used it in combat and outfitted it with prototype Shafrir IIs for interception duties).
+/- 1, depending on circumstance.
Ain’t no way Japan should ever be on pact side, that should be reserved strictly for pact countries…
+1 would be cool
-1, there’s so many actually russian aircraft not in-game yet, there’s no need for an F-5E to also be added. ESPECIALLY one that had zero modifications done to it, so it can’t even be claimed to be “unique” in any way.
So Sweden can get Kungstiger, t80 and mi28 and it’s okay they tested it, but when it’s Russia it’s a problem
even added as an event vehicle would be awesome.