F-5E FCU Is it any good?

Hello, I have a question if f5e fcu, is it good at br 11.0? And how does its armament compare to the f5e in the USA, is the aim9-p4 much better than the J, and are the Python 4 good missiles, in the USA on the f5e I have an ace and a talisman and I played it great, and I wonder if the f5e fcu is much better than the one from the USA, because the armament on paper is supposedly better because it has 4 missiles not 2, plus they have a larger G. Ps:Yesterday I unlocked f5e fcu and I want to do an event on f14 with it, and that’s why I’m asking how it compares to the regular f5e

AIM-9P-4 is basically an AIM-9J with the 9L’s all aspect seeker. They both fly the same but the P-4 is better because its all-aspect. The FCU has Python 3, not 4, but the Python 3’s are its best missile: all aspect, pull harder than the P-4, and they fly very fast. Basically the FCU is a straight upgrade to the regular F-5E


For it being only .3 higher than the other F-5’s I’d rather fly this than them

Isnt it kinda busted at 11.0? it has 12.3 missiles, the Python 3 full aspect 40G pull