F-4S Phantom II should get AIM-9L


Do you want your F-4S to go to 11.7? Cause that’s how your F-4S goes to 11.7.


Without datalink and 15km range AMRAAM….so strong.

Ok it could be 11.7 but only with:
Additional 30 high caliber countermeasures
Built in M-61
All-aspect PD radar mod

The strongest SARH is R-27ER. The strongest IRCCM is R-73.

This isn’t OP Russianbias missile, it’s just your fault.

Compared with gsh-23 it has less damage and not laser beam accuracy.

Not only, remember time when F-14A was able to get 60M while preflaring without AB

MLD have better, that can identify PD threats
Any USN F-4 cant

Well then you should contact to developers with this matter the very idea that this rocket can fly is absurd, it must self-destruct killing the plane carrying it otherwise no one will be able to fly

I said:

On the BR, dummy.
R-27ER is on pretty higher BR than 7F.

And even in that case - MiG-29 have only 2 27ER, and flarable-by-fart R-60M. With alot worst radar.

In dogfight?

But generally, 9M, MM2, have pretty more reliable IRCCM (my R-73 been flared, even while i launch it in perfect conditions - from the “6”, and 0.5km to target, who even aint get WEP off - just start spam BOLs), and haven’t broken FM, which made missle miss.

So your delusions can be even funny, if they aren’t been so sad.

That already sounds like skill issue.

I play alot on R-60M carriers, and against them.
So i know - if you taking care looking around, and see the launch - R-60(M) have no chances (exept if you F-14 - that boi too hot. But even Tomcat can’t flare Aphid only if it launched from <1km, from the rear).

Again - if you been dunked by R-60, while you have flares - that mean you dont see it (Aphid is a REALLY short range missle - in cannot snipe like AIM-9L/M, and Magic2), cause you been unaware, so its your fault.

Well, GSh-23 have larger caliber, so its obvious that it have better damage.

And when GSh-23 start be lasergun?
It have reasonable recoil too.

And, as i said early - ammo pool of Phantom (and radar lead tag) guns give you a luxury to shoot alot, while spread give you better chances to hit jinking foes.

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Python-3 is much faster then Aim-9L when booster is active which makes pretty deadly at close range due to seeker is not able to see countermeasures in time.

Not to mention Kurnass2k does have much better Radar that can detect enemy planes on low altitude, better RWR, much more countermeasures, Agile Eagle and much better Cas options.

Im not sayin regular EJ and premium one should get Aim-9L’s but considering Kurnass gets all those features in exchange for 0.3Br increase feels weird.

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Maybe, but mostly Agile Eagle not changing anything in most of bfm cases.

Rwr - maybe, idk

About speed - yes, it faster and some more range. But still gets to 1st flare.

Cas not changing anything of br, at least not in air

Radar basicly doesnt matter, when you have red nicknames, only for SB.

It changes many thing actually, Kurnass2k shits on EJ easily.

Huge benefit, no need to underestimate it.

Just like other missiles that doesnt have IRCCM.

You’re also forgetting Ground Rb which is a place where both RWR and Radar becomes much more revelant.

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Ground RB have separated BR with Air.

Which RWR is on EJ and which on kurnass?

Only changes in case with other F-4… well

Yes, but that’s reason why 9L and Python3 plays near to same.

EJ uses old type of RWR that you can find on F4C, Kurnass2K has very modern one which can identify every single threat (cant exactly remember the RWR names).

Well its better then nothing,i prefer to use Kurnass2k rather than EJ if im gonna merge with other planes.

Im not so sure about that part, i used both missile system for a good amount time, despite sharing similiraties Python-3 feels better and more suited for most cases.

Sadly wiki disnt provide info about versions.

Basicly, not really changes anything.
Still brick.

It better by energy, but still cant kill anybody with flares because of seeker.

I can provide screenshots if you want.

If you think Kurnass2k is brick try to use any Phantom that doesnt have Agile Eagle pack.

That depends on angle, enemy Jets engine temprature and if the enemy is still keeping its AB on or not.

Python-3 is basically better Aim-9L in the end.


Yes, please.

F-4J/C is enough.

Always flared if target have braincell and flare.


Then you know how much difference between those Phantoms and any other ones that has Agile Eagle Pack.

Well targets can also flare IRCCM missiles if they have braincells but this doesnt change the fact that Python-3 is a better missile overall.


Not really, I’ve had them flared when they were within .3km at a .8km launch, not even joking. It has the exact same seeker head as the 9L (for some reason) and is extremely flare hungry with that massive seeker FOV. The seeker is on pretty much as soon as it’s off the rail. If someone flares, it will see it, and the only way it will hit someone whose flaring is if they have really hot engines.

I also managed to flare them but at the same time they also ignored my flares in same situations more then couple times.

Its kinda based on RNG rather then consistency but nevertheless its there.

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@kitsune_qq Here.