F-4F KWS LV (ICE): Arch-Phantom!

So now we need to wait for the Argentinian F-16s for Germany because that’s somehow where this game is at now, because the Dutch F-16s have to go to France for literally no reason at all.

Back in the days before the CL-13 it was just Me 262’s fighting Sabres and it was “balanced” because Sabre pilots were dying to full-commit head-ons (if you remember “Me 262 feeling itself at its BR”). Upon the introduction of CL-13, it was the best Sabre for flight performance but M3 .50 cals were not reliable back then, but what made it really potent was that the Korea map (basically the only map you got at old top tier) actually matched US+UK versus USSR (maps in general had certain nation match-ups baked into them), and the introduction of CL-13 + GDR MiG-15bis + JSD F-86 meant Germany was matched with USSR while Japan was with US/UK - giving the “Reds” a highly competent Sabre when the “Blues” had no MiG-15bis of their own. So all this to say the CL-13 alone wasn’t that OP (it was a sidegrade to the F-86F-2, better engine in exchange for not having the 20mm), it was the way the old MM worked that made it seem so powerful

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This one reminds of the SEP V2 being added, it’s features? idk maybe a new look of the 50 cal, and another 4 tons added to it, armor?? nah it gets the 80’s kind of armor so deal with it.


Or Germany Iagged significantly behind due to the restrictions placed on them in the real world. If I recall, West Germany did not have SARH carriers due to this. Germany did get both MiG-29s that kept them relevant in top tier, saying they had nothing for top tier this long is being dishonest. If you are upset that they aren’t the “best”- too bad, I suppose?

It’s just an F-4E

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Another phantom to be free food for all the top tier that isn’t a flying brick

Its a 10.3 airframe (F-4F early) with 13.0 BR ordnance. Gajin decided its fine at 12.7 BR … I guess it won’t end well. 99% or all matches will be top BR ones. Its always like this. The 0.3 difference has no impact.

It really needs superior weapons. Iris T or a BR decrease…Its a Phantom, shouldn’t be higher than 11.3 without Iris.

I was absolutely harassed for saying the IRIS-T. “itLl bE UnBaLAnCeD, iTS Too StRONg”

Not just you… they also laughed at me, but here are we now…


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Both got added 1 major update later than the Russian ones.
Italy, China and Israel all got their F-16s the same time the US got it, so why couldn’t Germany get their MiG-29 the same time as Russia?
The only thing it got was 1 Tech-Tree Tornado and an even worse Event Tornado (very competitive aircraft, I know, I know)
Italy got both, an F-16 and a Tornado, so again: why couldn’t Germany get their MiG-29 the same time as their Tornado?

And just because they lagged behind in aircraft development, does not mean that Germany should get almost every aircraft it had later than other nations in game.

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But there is no bias… hehe
+when even Italy gets more attention then Germany…

The ICE is exactly where it should be with exactly what it should be armed with (well should be AIM-120B but those are identical in-game). Germany will just have to suffer through another update without a good top fighter. We’ll survive.

Genuinely shocked we didn’t see Tranche 1 or even DA Typhoons with AIM-9M for Britain and L(I)-1 for Italy and Germany. Would give these nations something to compete with the F-15s and Su-27s rather than a Phantom and two Gripens with armaments they have never used.

Next update will probably be a naval fighter one with the Rafale M F1, MiG-29KR or Su-33, and F-18Cs for the US, UK (Canada or Australia), Sweden (Finland), and Germany (Switzerland). Because of course a random Swiss vehicle is what everyone wants instead of something actually German… and of course skipping the F/CF-18A with AIM-7s is totally fine, it’ll be fun when they finally arrive 5 years late because they weren’t meta enough to be added in a timely manner!


So if they’re giving the F-4F ICE AiM 120s and IRCCMs does that mean that you guys are gonna raise the BR of the EJ kai and give it AiM 120s and AAM-3s?

Yeah, it’s only fair for Russia and Sweden to have OP new weapons. Germany needs to be held back because we hate them from WWII.

The IRIS-T would make this aircraft competitive in 12.7-13.0. it gives the aircraft a 10 mile protection buffer in a BVR world. No one liked that answer and kept citing really stupid reasons that it should never happen.

Yet the R-27 is still fucking over the game. That’s okay because it’s Russian 🤷

Yeah, Germany will suffer for two years based on how things go these days…

I hope not, F-4EJ Kai is one of my favorite jets to fly in the BR range. Would end up havibg the same done to JA-37D and maybe some other aircraft, which generally is pretty bad for game health, as seen with A-10A at 10.0. Less capable airframe + Stronger weapons is not a good combination.

No, you would just be adding a no-escape kill laser. IRIS-T is far too powerful compared to the other nations FOX-2s.

R-27ER is not overpowered. Clearly you forgot how to defend… And “Russian bias” is not real.

I wonder why there are 9 other nations to grind… Dont just restrict yourself to germany and continue to embrace “germany suffers!!”

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I primarily play top tier US for aircraft.

Russian bias absolutely exists, don’t kid yourself. It’s evident to anyone with half a brain. This whole community has admitted the R-27 is far too overpowered.

The aircraft is far too underpowered to perform at close range. Having a realistic defense makes sense. Unless you want to highlight how Russia would suffer not having OP garbage for once.

Whatever you say, lmao

Alright, where is my MICA-IR for Mirage 2000? or AIM-9X Block 2 and AIM-120C-7 for F-16C? Maybe we can even get Gaijin to give the F-15J MSIP the AAM-4B? You are pushing realistic beyond game balance.

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Say what you will 🤷.

You already lost all credibility…