F-4F KWS LV (ICE): Arch-Phantom!

France and Germany didn’t even need the sub, they should’ve just added whatever unique low tier to whichever country is most relevant to and not add any of the copy paste and F-16

And German players would have mostly preferred an F-16 over a Phantom.

you can fight it like you want, but either the eurofigther comes end of this year and screws over the american /russian planes for 1-2 patches.
Or germany is most likely getting the F-18 via switzerland

EFT is about on par with the AESA F-15C/advanced eagles and strike eagles, super hornets, and the later F-16s so it could work.

16’s, 15C&E’s, 18’s, could all hold their own or win against EFT from similar time. Without the newer IR stuff and with it they could be balanced. With it it would probably still be balanced.

ehhhh, you arent quite right with that.
Most of those are only stronger then efts in 1 specific niche aspect.
Like teh F-16 is only better in low speed low altitude turn fights

But generaly, look at times tables and how gajin arguments with the nation got a new top tier aircraft last patch and doesnt need a new one for this one,
If those you named would get added. The EFT would need more then a year until they get added
So no that couldnt work, if not most of your proposals would arrive after EFT and wouldnt be META once they get added

Germany has almost never gotten something before anyone else.


jup, that adds to it

The US did AESA before Europe so we could get a sensor advantage to offset the generally better flight performance of eft, and meteors only came into play in like 2015, it would actually be pretty balanced if it was all pre 2015 stuff.

And there’s the 2005 f22 😉

Why should Germany get a subtree for its air forces?

Maybe because of the huge gaps if they only get German equipment?

Are there no later tornadoes?

europe mostly doesnt have aesa in the first place
And for war thunder purposes i doubt it will realy matter either
Still currently integration would be bad and as much as you dont want it germany getting an f18 as a interim is likely
You complain that everyones getting US planes, but in the same manner everyones getting leopards as well.
Honestly germany is pretty much in the same situation as the US in that regard. Everyone asking for their stuff.
Difference is in my opinion its needed for air while ground leopards arent realy needed when there is so many other variables

and what would they do ? do tell me.
Most changes from assta 1 to assta 3.1 are irrelavant for war thunder. ECM, MAW pods or 2 IRIS-T.
Dont change the fact that they will most likely suck in air and ground as well since they are busses

Fair enough, but I honestly don’t know why ppl complain so much about gaps in a tech tree they knew lacked designs or even jets they used from a certain timeframe. Also, neither US jets or leopards are necessary, there are usually other vehicles they can add instead or they can just leave a gap.

I’ve never asked for a leopard in the US, and I wish people would stop asking for US jets because why play a country if you are just going to complain about not getting stuff said country never even used.

Have 0 issue with German f4 bc you guys actually used them, same with Italian f16, Japan f15 and 16 (although it really shouldn’t have better flight performance than the American one at the same BR), Israeli f15 and 16, and any other US jet that was used by the country that shows towards the bottom of your screen in-game.

No german vehicle that can fill the gap.
And tell that the UK grippen that appeared out of no where to fill the already named gap.
Else Uk would be at the exact dame situation as us.
While still having better CAS options


Ah yes, the japan f16 that totaly exists.
you might have forgottenbthat one was a paper proposal to fill a gap as well


I don’t support the British gripens either, and honestly neither do a lot of the more respectable British mains

My bad, Japan uses all US stuff until the f2 and forgot the f16 out of all of them was fake lol

Honestly gaps are something players should think about before picking a tree to play.

The F-16 is the most common fighter in military service across the world, it’s been exported to dozens of countries and thousands have been built, don’t know why you act as if the F-16 should be exclusive to the US when even the actual US clearly doesn’t feel that way.

People don’t want copy paste planes but people do want a competitive jet after grinding a tree for months or years, only to end up as a piñata because for some reason they’re denied a competitive jet at the same time a competitive jet is going to a nation that doesn’t need it and a decision that makes less sense than Germany getting it.

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? When did I say f16 should be exclusive to US. It just shouldnt come to tech trees that didn’t actually use it. France never used it and honestly doesn’t need it. Germany has the EFT in the nearish future, if they added with aim 120 and aim 9 it could come quite soon.

And if you think it’s the US that shouldn’t be getting variants of its own fighter. That just doesn’t make sense, it’s like saying Germany shouldn’t get lots 109 variants because it’s already a good air tree for WW2 era stuff

still it shows there is multiple precedents and that no matter how you like it germany might end up with one as well.
No matter if its one of our trialed planes or a foreign solution