F-4F KWS LV (ICE): Arch-Phantom!

ignoring the point that Smin said that the EFT isnt anywhere near

If it’s trialed it is a different story, as long as it the same as the trialed version and has whatever special camo the trial ones get, like the premium tornado

in that case you are invited to pick your poison of one of these that would have the needed specifications

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F-20A and F-18B. There, you finally showed an f18 used by Germany. The f15 wont be necessary, and if you do get the 15B it’ll be a worse A since it’ll be heavier and same BR probably.

you picked the 2 that as the only ones dont fit the specifications lol
you gotta pick outside of those 2
Dont think the f16b is realy possible either since we dont have sources with special german camo
F15B propably doesnt fit either

The other options were tested in 2018 and 2022, wayyy to modern, would end up being similar BR to EFT anyways so it wouldn’t matter

not realy, their capabilities would still end up being less like the F-16C like i already said earlier.
Its only better in 1 specific situation and takes way less armament
has a nice german livery as well

they are options you just dont conventiently choose them


16C could def work, 15GA maybe but it’s largely unnecessary, f18e could also work but would be pretty close to eft so it would not be a big gap if they added 16c then eft

Livery is very nice

The update already happened, they need a competitive vehicle today, not some day in the future when others are also going to get more… there is no reason to leave a major nation crippled for months by denying them an obvious option and instead sending that option somewhere where it makes less sense and has less need for it.


Could the F4 ICE get HMD? (don’t kill me for asking)

I don’t think so, but it carried the IRIS-T.

And how did they fly straight without pointing the nose of the plane at the target? After all, she was flying to the side and below. Without HMD, such a launch would not have happened.


AFAIK ICE did not get HMD
Options are
A: Radar cue
B: Buddy cue
C: Blind LOAL

This is why I highlighted Swiss

This is true. However, precedent exists: the UK air tree has no South African subtree, but was given the SAAF JAS39C as a necessary gap filler, given that UK already has SA stuff. By the same logic, Germany already has Swiss Hunter F.58 so a Swiss F-18 remains a possibility (given that a Dutch F-16 would’ve made more immediate sense but that ship has sailed). By all means, if a different solution is found that cuts down on copy-paste, that is preferable, but according to Smin don’t expect any EF-2000 variant for any nation any time soon.

US and USSR has no use for a subtree. And while the German tree is big, it obviously thins out once you get to modern ranks due to IRL history and politics. And before you call me some kind of Wehraboo or German main, I play USSR, US and Italian air more than German air in that order.

People are asking for aircraft that were in Dutch or Swiss service, small neighboring nations with similar enough political alignments to the main tree (in the context of modern history ofc). Again, see the precedent of using the SAAF JAS-39 to fill a hole in the UK tree.


@Smin1080p may I ask how the ICE performs according to the stats in ARB/GRB? Or is it too early for stats?