F-4F KWS LV (ICE): Arch-Phantom!

I think the Germany mains are just a bit scared to go try another tech tree. May also be a bit stuck to the “germany suffers” idea. Like i said, every nation deserves similar treatment, and just like the other nations will experience a hardship at some point.


I’m arguing for vehicles to be added due to historical and current ties between nations, where the Dutch and German have a lot of, vehicles that would be beneficial to the balance of the game and filling a blatant gap in a tree.

that’d be magnificent

You want vehicles to be added out of spite and think you have the high ground.

They used Fokkers in WW1^^ Took over the whole dutch army inventory, infrastructure and factories 4 days after Fall Gelb. Several dutch citizen joined Wehrmacht, even had own formations. After WW2 a joint command for several decades. Recently even merged armed forces.

I have already given option that Germany won’t take from other nations Jesus.

Why don’t you want to have the F-15 and the Su-27 ?

Practically no one plays a single nation, this whole main thing is a Reddit brainrot viewpoint.
Doesn’t mean everyone has the time and motivation to spend the time to grind out entire trees to get to top tier as if that’s some sort of trivial task.

You are the one saying historical ties, regarding WW2, are worthless because they weren’t ‘a big player’ in WW2.

This doesn’t add up.


Where did I say they were worthless? You talk about WW2 from a real world perspective and think the Dutch have some burning hatred for Germany because of something that happened 80 years ago and that it somehow outweighs the current relationship between these nations that have been stable for many decades.

I’m talking about WW2 from a vehicle perspective where the Dutch clearly lack vehicles to be added to the game and makes for a poor excuse why they should be added to France instead.

@Miragen You still ignoring the Su-27 and F-15 suggestion, I like to know why ?

I don’t care, I never engaged in any discussion about this.

But yet still try to claim the Dutch because the role the F-16 will play for Germany, even though these two aircraft would not only fill it but give Germany content until the Typhoon.

Never once did I state the Dutch should be added to France specifically. What I said is that WW2 Dutch stuff (Dutch flagged, not captured) should be able to verse Germany and thus not be in its tech tree.

Then why was France not added to Germany following your own reasons historically speaking?

Go and take a look again at the many Dutch vehicles suggestions on this forum or in the NMM (Dutch national military museum).

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We’re discussing the reasoning of the Dutch being send to France opposed to Germany, not F-16 alternatives, and either way it’s clear Germany none of the alternatives.
And the inevitable result is copy pasting a bunch more Leopards and whatnot into the French tree as well.

Oh god, please no more Leopards to other nations. Frenchies have their own MBT line. Why is everyone leeching our Leopards :(

It’s because the Germans don’t need one with the right management they would off been thee best tech tree to play.


Then make the German government stop exporting their weapons.


Never once did I state the Dutch should be added to France specifically. What I said is that WW2 Dutch stuff (Dutch flagged, not captured) should be able to verse Germany and thus not be in its tech tree.

That’s just your personal preference.

Then why was France not added to Germany following your own reasons historically speaking?

France is it’s own tree, why would it need to be?

Go and take a look again at the many Dutch vehicles suggestions on this forum or in the NMM

Naval, naval, naval, naval, naval, naval… maybe a reserve tier tank… that’ll fix France.

Man, thats a computer game. NO one forces Gajin to add the same tanks to every ingame nations.

Sweden, Italy, France all have their own domestic products. Whats the point of throwing around Leopard tanks to everyone?

They didn’t export them to France.

AHAHAHAH! The Dutch do have plenty, but it’s just Gaijin who doesn’t do any research. Yes, France doesn’t need them but neither does Germany.

They should have been with Belgium in a new TT AKA the BeNeLux tree.

As the BeNeLux tree exists to:

  1. minimise C&P
  2. support each other where the other one falls short.
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But they did to a member of the BeNeLux and they used it, which is a subtree of France, it is not France herself.

Btw, no F-16 was ever exported to Germany either, Belgium built their own in SABCA and so did the Dutch with Fokker.