F-4EJ ADTW armament

Hi i want to ask about F-4EJ ADTW armament compare to US F-4E why it doesnt have AIM-7E-2 Sparrow and any agm like AGM-65B or AGM-62A Walleye like i know there is br diference but only 0.3 thats like nothing and from my knowledge the only difference between the two is air frame the F-4EJ ADTW have worse maneuverability that F-4E so i dont see any problem that F-4EJ ADTW cant have better AAM and AGM or i am wrong can somebody tell me ?

Because Japan never bought them


Could be due to the restricitions imposed on Japan by post-WWII treaties they were pure interceptors with just sidewinders and sparrows.

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Ahh okey thats is sad i want it use for cas with my ground 11.3 setup (i know it have 500lbs bombs but its kinda hard to dodge top tier sam like osa or tor when im concentrating to drop my bomb close to target its not imposible but its hard and with better cas options it will be better and i know tak F-4EJ is not good for cas am curently grinding for better jets)

Having a constitution that bans the creation of an army would do that.

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Try the squadron F-5E, it has x4 TV mavericks and the zuni’s are very effective with the CCIP.

all ready grinding for it but it take time

EJ ADTW doesn’t have E-2 because EJ is 11.0 and not 11.3, and there’s no verification that EJ can use them.

so in theory if i find any proof about that EJ had E2 it can be added to the game ?


Also F-5T good, it’s like squadron but have HMD

As far as I remember, AGM monitors and other smart weapons controllers were removed from japanese phantoms