F-4C Battle Rating after Decompressing 10.0-10.7

The F-4C has a battle rating of 10.0 before the Decompressing changes and 10.7 after the changes. i think the battle rating of this aircraft shouldn’t be raised above 10.3 because of the fact that it doesn’t have any countermeasures available. this makes it possible for an F-4C to come against vehicles such as Mig-23 ML’s or even Su-39’s. it will be impossible to get to bases without getting sniped by overpowered missiles at that br. the F-4C already has problems with it not being able to survive long in 10.0 so raising the BR to 10.7 and having no offence against more modern missiles will not engage players to play this vehicle. for me personally its a good vehicle because it didn’t have to play against better aircraft and I think that this change will make it impossible for people to even get to a first base.


I agree especially without flares or chaff, they could at least give it some countermeasure pods like the av-8a

The airforce versions didn’t get CM’s until the D variant.

yea I know that’s why I said countermeasure pods like the av-8a (ones that are mounted to a pylon in a way that makes it so nothing else can be on the pylon)

Those didn’t exist at the time, nor are they compatible with the F-4C afaik.

The F-4C is just going to get murdered on a regular basis when it gets put up to 10.7, not to mention the F-5C is going to 11.0 and thats the end for that premium.


So keep it at 10.0 where it belongs

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I mean the smartest solution would be to move the F-4C to the maximum of 10.3, even that’s a bit much, and introduce the F-4D into the game at a later date ( could be in a folder with 4C) to cover the gap.
Also muh variety that they’re oh so loud about


it will be broken at 10.0 while everythin gets 0.7 br increase

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I think for F-4C new BR at 10.3 for Air AB, Air RB & Air SB. and gajin add AIM-7E

F-4D after F-4C but would be in a folder with F-4E because Air-to-Air armament like F-4E but no leading-edge slats under the Agile Eagle program, General Electric J79-GE-15 engine from F-4C, SUU-23/A gun pod and radar AN/APQ-109 inferior to AN/APQ-120

Gaijin has proven multiple times that they can make ahistoric changes for balance.

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No it won’t, it’s already trash against many 9.3s and 9.7s.

No they haven’t.

They want to make people buy the F-20A lol

I am oppose any kind of “add this to an aircraft and raise its br” movement. If that’s what you want then ask Gaijin for a new aircraft folded under it. This is about choice that I want to play this F4C as it is at a lower BR with no CM as a tradeoff.

It wouldn’t be? How would it. The F8U-2 is still 10.0 even in the same tech tree…

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it’s mid even in a downtier lol

Yes they have. Look at the 104G and S. The S never had 9Js, they straight up admitted to it being ahistoric for balance. The G under German use never did either. The closest the Luftwaffe had to 9Js was using 9Js while training in America.

IMO it should be 10.3 with current loadouts or 10.7BR with AIM-9J/AIM-7E-2, which is historical loadouts in ANG service.

Personally I hope gajin add AIM-7E on F-4C but never shoot enemy soviet fighter aircraft with AIM-9J

New BR at 10.3, I might believe gajin no problem add AIM-7E on F-4C

F-4D & F-4E (USAF) deployed AIM-7E-2 in vietnam war