Maybe another argument for the decompression we have wanted for years 🤷.
I know that’s not going to happen though lol.
Maybe another argument for the decompression we have wanted for years 🤷.
I know that’s not going to happen though lol.
Oh yeah, Compression is the ultimate Problem.
FGR2/FG1 should probably be 0.7 maybe even 1.0 full BR lower than the F3. But neither can move.
FGR2/FG1 would be fine with their current loadouts if the worse thing they faced were Mig-23MLAs
I could reasonably see AIM-9M F-4 carriers at 11.7. Some of the lower F-4S need the AIM-9L just to justify their current BR.
But like right now, in the F-4S I am fighting an F-16 and an F-15. One has the 9L and one has the 9M and both are vastly more capable.
I think maybe more like 12.0. Harrier Gr7 / AV-8B+ with 4x Aim-9M are 11.7 and only really that BR because of Aim-9M. So super sonic, with BVRs as well… probably higher than those.
That definitely means we need the 13.3-13.7 rotation for the better aircraft.
yeah… They could easily push BRs to like 14.0 with just what we have now.
So everyone gets 9Ls, we get 9Ms on decompression lol.
or at least 9Gs are fine because you arent fighting anything more than the occasional 9L aircraft
IMO it would be best if they added a separate Phantom variant that has AIM-9Ls and AIM-7Ms and stuff. I personally think that the Phantoms are (for the most part) pretty good where they are and should not really be moved. So it would be like you have the F-4E and the F-4E/L (L stands for Late) with 9L and 7M and stuff, and that’s just using the F-4E as an example.
But not 9Ms because they are extremely strong and would move the Phantoms way too high for no benefit really, but 9Ls would be fine.
What makes you think any aircraft has its “full potential”? Most don’t. Also, what makes you think the F-4 phantom can fit into this game with 9Ms and be balanced? Do you also not think this detracts from the people who wanted the phantom to be in the vietnam era of tech and opponents? With these modern missiles you will face Gen4s primarily.
As others have said, the F-4s with AIM-9Ls would need a BR increase, let alone those with 9Ms. I mean, look at the EJ Kai or Kurnass.
That being said, there are some F-4s that should or just could receive better Sidewinders
F-4E: AIM-9J-1: an improved version of the AIM-9J with solid-state electronics, giving a slight performance increase similar to the AIM-9G/H and AIM-9B/F
F-4S: 9Ls and 11.7 tech tree, too late because Gaijin’s already made it a premium :(
F-4EJs: AIM-9P-4: all-aspect AIM-9J recently added with the Thai F-5
F-4F Peace Rhine (aka late): AIM-9L (and AGM-65D/G) and 11.0
F-4F ICE-LA: cheating here because it’d be a new aircraft but essentially it’s an F-4F with AIM-9L(I)-1s (AIM-9L upgraded to AIM-9M standard), 12.0
F-4J (UK), FG.1, FGR.2: AIM-9L: almost certainly a BR increase for the FG/FGR, so probably only one would be best. The J would likely not need the BR increase as it doesn’t have the upgraded engines, and is a premium so Gaijin’s ofc gonna give it preferential treatment. Only one of the FG/should receive this upgrade IMO, so the other can remain at 11.3.
Well that’s the cool thing about the phantom. There are variants that go from Vietnam up to today. It does have a variety of technologies and capabilities.
It doesn’t make sense to give the late models earlier missiles “just because”. The F-4 ICE will undoubtedly be 12.0 to begin with. The selling point was the AAMRAM. Slapping anything less than the 9M and hopefully the IRIS-T would be sorta cynical due to what it’s going to face anyways.
The J and S variants of the US tree already fly against 4th gens consistently. Nearly every match I play I’m facing the F-15 and F-16A/ADF. The A gets Ls and it’s extremely capable performance wise. The 15 should have gone to 12.7, I find it more capable than the 16C most days. At minimum the later models should have the L, everyone here is drastically over rating the performance of the M however. It’s no longer the god tier missile it was months ago
@WalletWorrier my question is why currently would the J and S need to be uptiered? This keeps getting brought up but the MiG-23ML variants are not going anywhere. They have multiple all aspects.
I don’t honestly see a balance reason at 11.3 that necessitates this. I see a lot of strong feelings that it needs to be the case. Personally I feel that it would really only make it a contender.
I do that like @Morvran and I have discussed quite a few times - there goes need to be a larger decompression across the board.
I do like your suggestions overall though. I think that’s pretty well thought out.
I am currently predicting aircraft like the Sea Harrier FA2 and AV-8B+ to be 12.3 and aircraft like the F4F-ICE and Tornado F3 to be 12.7 (all with AMRAAM). At least with the current compression. Id not want to be facing off against AMRAAM in anything 11.0 or lower and those at 11.3 should only face those few that are sub-sonic and thus will be heavily handicapped in ARB.
I am hoping though that the Gen 4 AMRAAM carriers, the Gripen, F-15, F-16, etc will be at least 13.3. But thats probably wishful thinking
the F4F ICE is sort guaranteed to be in the German tech tree
Ether that or Typhoon really really soon
9L/9M would make them less competitive, not more.
9L makes them 11.7.
9M makes them 12.3.
F-20 was a prototype of America, so it’s not comparable to production aircraft of other nations.
R-24Rs are Skyflash equivalent.
And R-60Ms are the worst IR missile at 11.3.
MLD’s radar picks up on most RWRs, and its MTI radar is inferior to F-4J’s PDV radar.
AIM-9M’s IRCCM has not changed since introduction and remains the best IRCCM in the game.
Where are the 9Ls on Mig-23?
AIM-9Ls were buffed. They’re the best non-IRCCM missile in the game next to Python 3.
Also UK doesn’t have one of the best fighters, it has THE best fighter, 2nd to none. Mirage 4000 is the 2nd place position.
Of course Gripen was planned to be added, and not a response to complaints.
Your BRs are too low.
I definitely worded that wrong. I meant to say undoubtedly be at least 12.0. I can definitely see it being 12.3-12.7; however, if you think about it. Even if it did get the AIM-120 it’s not going to make it that crazy compared the how well the AIM-54 is running now that has been buffed.
So even at 12.0/12.3 it wouldn’t be the most insane thing we have going. An F-14 pilot on average only makes one play.
You can think that all you want, but it’s a nasty thing for you to think everyone but yourself is wrong.
I think AMRAAM is gunna make Aim-54s look rather outdated.
Aim-54s are likely Aim-9Ls. Good, dependable but has some limitations.
AMRAAM are gunna be like ASRAAM in comparison. They’ll probably eliminate much of the short comings of the Pheonix and greatly expand upon its strengths. (just gunna hope though we get something like Aim-120C5s and not Just Aim-120Bs on aircraft like the Tornado and F4F-ICE though)
With that being said. Im expecting Britain, Italy and Germanys native aircraft to suffer a tad for the next 6 or so months till we wait for the king of them all to come. Typhoon.