F-18 Spanish Premium for Italy where is it?

So a fraction of manpower and Pazer Is.
You licensed them the Leopard 2, while we made the Centauro and the specialized Centauro Recovery vehicle that they requested and are the only user, collaborated with them for the VEC, the VEC with the SIDAM turret, the recon Dragoon will use an italian turret, the main Dragoon will use a turret that was developed with the help of Leonardo.
And the spanish army is looking to procure the Centauro 2.

If you keep thinking that Italy has no ties with Spain, well I can’t help it.

Not just the panzer I but Panzer III and IV as well and Stugs. And the Leopard 2A4 and worked with them on the Verdejas, M47E, M48A5E, Lince, AMX-30EM2, and Leo 2E. And also the C-2.111, Ha.1109, Ha.1112, Ha-200, Ha-220, and C-295. And Spanish troops fought with the German army, not the Italian one.but sure, keep saying Germany has no ties with Spain.

“Fought with Germany”
Everyone joined Barbarossa, literally everyone.
And the thing is, contrary of you, I never denied German ties with Spain, although I see that you like to boost the vehicle list with dubious choices to say the least.

Why don’t we get rid of national trees if everyone gets vehicles they have no relation to?

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Guys with the addition of the Tiger Helicopter to the german TT it is CLEAR that a spanish F-18 mostdefinetly would be a german and not an italian premium/squadroon vehicle.

Germany received it because DASA, one of the two companies that founded Eurocopter, was german.
The Eurocopter Tiger can be seen as a 50/50 project between France and Germany, although afaik France seemed to actually manage Spain’s acquisitions.
Anyway Gaijin just added it to fill the premium gap the German TT had.

or maybe he added it for the same reason he added a Swiss hunter to Germany.