F-16C (and others 13.0) in GB

F-16C is 13.0 (as some others)
II went through all the separate BR updates between AB and GB, the F-16C (as all 13.0) doesn’t appear, so their BR should be 13.0 and no longer appear available for GB 11.7s !

A plane locked by anti-aircraft is alerted, then alerted to the missile launch. Anti-airs no.
The F-16C has thermal optics allowing it to easily locate targets beyond the range of anti-aircraft and guided or self guided air-to-ground missiles that can be fired up to 20 kms against which anti-aircraft have no effect, defense or any alert.
The GB 11.7 is transformed into pigeon shooting for planes or into aerial battles. It was already painful sometimes with certain planes like the su-25t but against which we could try something, now it just doesn’t make me to play GB top tier at all.
If you agree with me, please report back to gaijin.

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The max Br in tank battle is 11.7, whether you want to put it in 13.0 or 11.7 it will remain the same

Well… You say that, but the only aircraft that could detect a pantsir launch was the Su-25SM3

Well … what about the lock ?

Nope. Most can detect the search mode, but basically only the Su-25SM3 can actually detect the Pantsir lcok and launch

Not sure what you want to say … but :
When you are low tier In a 10.0 BR battle ground, the max BR for any vehicules, planes included is 11.0
Why 13.0 is allowed on max 11.7 ground units, it should be 12.7.

So you are saying planes are not warned when an anti air lock them … are you really serious ?

Depends on the AA and the aircraft. Some can some cant. At lower BRs where you have the radar SPAAG, not all even have RWR. Even up to 10.0 ish. not all have RWR (like the Hunters) and even those that do, the quality can be hit and miss (Jaguar for example just warns you that something in a broad direction has locked onto you, not what or exactly where. )

At top tier, most SAMs can be detected, though most do have an alternative lock method (like IRST) other than radar that might not be detectable (depends on whether the aircraft has LWR). Only the Pantsir has a radar that basically no aircraft can detect.

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Thank you for this answer. My comment was only for GB 11.7 and planes in these battles.

Then focusing on top tier. I cant comment on all radar and aircraft. But, short answer. There will be situations where the only warning the aircraft has that a missile has been fired at it, is by visually spotting the missile in the air. I know that is how I have to defend against a Pantsir in the Tornado, Harrier or Gripen is by spotting that its been fired at me or by birefly detecting the search radar, at which point I just begin actively defending even if I have no idea whether something has fired at me or not.

Tanks likely have more consistant warning they;'ve been locked onto by a targetting pod because quite a few tanks have LWR and all LWRs can detect all lasers (even though that is not the case IRL)

F-16C is 12.7 in ground RB.

*laughs in Pantsir-S1 K band radar that never alerts anything but the most modern helis to any locks and launches *


F16, Gripen, new su27 are 12.7 in ground battles while 13 in air battles, so there you have your +1 br uptier

putting a plane higher than 11.7 in your lineup locks the BR of your tanks to the planes matchmaking BR.

my friends and I exploit this to great effect by running 12.7/13.0 planes in our tank lineups and thus avoid the horde of 11.3 click bait prems and stuff. It massively improves the gameplay at that BR.

laughs … 1 spaa amongs all !

@AlvisWisla @JIJOK
laughs … that’s exactly my point, F-16C ISN’T in the list of BR aircraft changes for ground battles, so it should be 13.0!

(top tier speakin) No SPAA have warning for lock nor missile launch. Except for Pantsir, most planes have warning about spaa lock and some have for missile launch. Are you ok with that ?
Some planes can see, fire auto guided missile on SPAA then turn back, are you ok with that ?
I don’t know if you play SPAA (regardless of revenge kill) at top tier (or less), but if you do, what is your advice (not only with pantsir) ?
It seems you play planes in ground battles … how many spaa destroyed in a game ?
(the rest is not for you, it seems that you are the only one to actually read the comments before responding and provide a courteous, reasoned and possibly objective response.)

The observation today is that several planes can destroy without any risk (apart from another plane) any target on the ground in mixed top tier battle on most maps, with the possible exception of a little risk with the pantsir.
So, my point of view is that since there are no tanks with a BR above 11.7, no aircraft currently with a BR above 11.7 should be able to be in mixed battle.
Most aircraft players in mixed battle are delighted with this unfair situation but tank players are fed up and are starting to desert the top tier. Continue on this path while hiding your face, in a few months if nothing is done it will transform, as sometimes already does, into plane battles (14 planes and 7 helicopters in a mixed battle… lol!). Already many games end with teams having more planes in flight than tanks on the ground!

It is therefore to those who are fed up with this situation and a lousy gaming experience in top tier tank that I am speaking, not to airplane players who delight in pigeon shooting.

And if gaijin’s response is to artificially reduce the BR of planes or artificially increase that of tanks, that won’t change anything!

because amraam was added after the list and iirc they said that will check for fighters ground and air br one by one (something like that )

I’m okay with this change only if you move the pantsir up in br. The pantsir is the only spaa that can completely counter NATO aircrafts where as there isn’t much NATO spaa that can do the same for Russia.

Along with that, there isn’t a lot of good nato aircrafts at that 11.7 br range. where as Russia gets really good cas in this range.

Also you need to list all the aircrafts that needs to be moved to 13.0 because it’ll give the readers an understanding of what needs to be changed.