F-16a ocu

Can we move the F16A OCU down to 13.3. It has no HMS, and 45 flares. It just a worse F16am, F16C.


with aim120? nah

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Ideally, it has the AMRAAM removed entirely per this bug report and is dropped to 13.0, where it fits better as a CAS superior early F-16.
That being said, if it is to be kept in this ahistorical state, the JF-17 has a similar armament config, superior TGP, and can carry more advanced munition types at a 13.3, so I don’t see why it shouldn’t drop. It is hands down the worst 13.7 in the game. Also, it would be nice if they got rid of the arbitrary restriction that prevents 8x mavericks.


Considering the whole point behind the Thai subtree was to add A2G capability to Japan I’d be completely cool with this.


aim120 on this update are the worst fox3 in the game, and have airplanes with fox on 13.0

Its true, and you dont have HMS think, ok this is for CAS but his pod targeting DONT HAVE TERMAL, this is ridiculos, the airplane is on 13.7, dont have HMS, dont have AAM3, have the worst fox3 on this path, when the unique function is for CAS and have the worst pod targeting too. Can argument (“have gripen on line”) but between 4 AGMs and 6 AGMs + 2 GBUs have a big difference.
Really i dont know why gaijin make this with japan, is just put a termal pod will work 10x better and dont will broken the plane

JF17 still doesn’t have any AGM which is the same as agm65, and also if it wants carry enough A2G, it needs sacrificed carry any fox3, and also the other worst one is J11A, which is totally worse SU27SM, just be patient wait anther BR extend

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All of this wouldn’t be an issue if Gaijin didn’t ahistorically fit AMRAAM to it. At a lower BR the lacking thermals wouldn’t be as much of a problem, while it can still offer some nice CAS loadouts.

It is just incredibly weird to me that Gaijin added the Gripen at 13.7, but also ahistorically gave the OCU weapons to drag it up to the same BR, rather than just making it 13.0 with weapons it could actually carry.

Yeah, they could’ve given the F-16A eMLU instead of the OCU, which actually can carry AMRAAM and gets Sniper XR TGP with thermals. It would also have APG-68(V)9 radar and 6 ALE-47 CM dispensers (180CMs total)

But even just a properly working OCU, with historical ALE-47 (having 60 CMs, not 45 like in game) and ALE-40 (with additional 60, for a total of 120) and a lower BR without ahistorical AMRAAM would’ve been much better than what we have now.

Maybe if Gaijin wanted an AMRAAM and CAS F-16, but didn’t want to add eMLU, they could’ve added a foldered ADF with the OCU for AMRAAM instead. They did that for early US F-16s and it could’ve spared us this issue here.


No HMS is why it and F-16AM are better than the F-16C.

It should be 13.3 with 9Ms.

lol worst fox3 in the game is R77 and they cant put f16 with fox3 at 13.0

r77 was, how i say in this update aim120 is extremaly easy to do not, im dodging easy and my aim120s isnt hitting almost no one, at 15km away from top

So you’re saying it’s better because it doesn’t have HMS? How is having HMS a disadvantage?

The Belgian F-16A Block 15 is at 13.0 (air) with 9M, while also having the correct 60CMs in the ALE-47 (like any F-16 in game besides the Thai one).
While a fixed Thai OCU would have additional ALE-40 CMs for a total of 120, the Belgian one can sacrifice one/two 9Ms for 90/180 additional CMs. This would make even that more of a sidegrade than an upgrade of the Thai OCU.
The only place where the Thai OCU would be superior is in ground battles, where it gets IR Mavericks (especially G and G-2 models that are currently missing) and a targeting pod.

So 13.0 (air) would be exactly where the Thai OCU should go without AMRAAM.

Thai F-16A Block 15 OCU lack the necessary wiring and software to use AMRAAM. The only F-16s to do that in Thai service are the F-16A Block 15 ADF used as dedicated interceptor and the F-16AM Block 20 eMLU, that is supposed to combine the roles of the OCU and ADF.

People aren’t asking for it to move to 13.0 with AMRAAM, but to have the AMRAAMs removed and then move the aircraft to 13.0 with IR missiles only.


When you do “Lock Radar/IRST on target” it defaults to HMS rather than ACM.
HMS also won’t give a radar return until an attempt to lock is made, while ACM does.
So the toggle of ACM is really important whereas it’s less important for HMS, so in the case of non-thrust vectoring missiles, ACM is far more valuable than HMS being toggleable.
It’s a flaw of the control at this time.

If it defaulted to ACM, where HMS had to be switched to instead, HMS would stop being an arguable negative instantly.

Can I get a photo of where these are mounted?

I also said should not would, showing my preference for decompression.

As far as I know there is no photo, however there is multiple Thai sources stating that AN/ALE-40 is in possession of the Thai air force specifically for the F-16A/B OCU and ADF models.
Interestingly there is no mention of the eMLU, but it is likely that with the additional ALE-47 dispensers it has it is seen as sufficient.

Here’s the report on ALE-40 (for more Thai aircraft than just the F-16)

Fair enough, if this includes a general decompression I agree with that.

??? why does this matter for it to be 13.3?

oh my god, really?

not true either…

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It’s the Aim-54/Fakour actually

yeah but its not a new fox3

Then what is it?