F-16 Fighting Falcon: History, Performance & Discussion

I believe gajin upgrade Belgium F-16AM Block 15 MLU to M5 or M6.1 Tape in the future and armament close to F-16C Block 50/52+ standard

In fact should be AIM-120B but not AIM-120A

God forbid that the U.S gets a MAW system at top tier or hell even their own tech :)

What domestic tech is missing if you don’t mind me asking?

Well for the start:
-MAW systems
-Proper radars on their aircraft
-AIM-9M for the F-16A
-AIM-9M for the F-14B
They just got the AV-8B, one year later
And a lot of ordonance that is not in game but we won’t discuss those


The french f16a got the 9m, they’ll either remove from it or add for the other vipers, maybe the f14b will get it aswell

It’s missing a slew of TGP options for one thing

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The F-15 was actually underperforming in certain areas and over in others. The FM was drastically improved after my reports regardless. Yet you’re shoving the idea that I’m biased. Truly remarkable logic.


And yet my point remains valid, Russia is heavily favored

So much so that for years they never had ordnance on par with anyone else and lacked thermal designation pod etc


Russia winrate in ground rb (where ppl most complain about russian bias) dropped significantly after the vikhrs nerf which were the main reason for their absolute domination in top tier, t80s and t90s always were inferior or at the very least equal to the leopards and abrams. Air rb wise to this day the fulcrum and the flanker respective fms suck ass while they still didn’t model flcs for the f16 which causes it to dance in the air, not to mention that now with the amraams and the multipathing nerf their bvr dominance will also be stopped.

If you cherrypick enough you can make Gaijin appear to be any country biased, in the end it doesn’t make sense because it’s a private company that needs to profit and such behavior would harm their income.

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Strange how Russias major irl weakness is what you translate to being a lack of game favor.

RuSsIaN bIaS 🤪

Several vehicles in-game had better ordnance or thermals, nice try

self confirmation lmao

Russia struggles with thermals/TGPs and its largely shown in game, with the exception that every possible vehicle which can have it, does, unfounded or not.

Only one has it, others can also mount thermals and have been able to for some time now

Shame Russian mounts thermals just long enough for there to be one pic and no other proof xD

That would still exceed the criteria for its’ addition. Several aircraft in Russia regularly mounted thermal pods.

that is of course if you go with the Russian favoritism view, ie the Yak-141 moment

I was thinking AIM-7’s on F-16C or the existence of F-16AJ… Where is the bias again?

This is the F-16 thread after all