
We would like to inform you that the graphics of F-15J on the dev server were different from the actual F-15J/DJ.
① The position of the national emblem on the nose of the aircraft is significantly shifted (the left side is also slightly shifted upwards, although not as much as the right side)
② The location of the national emblem on the main wing is shifted forward.

③ The unit mark is too large + (Personally, I think it would be better not to add the unit mark so that it can be compatible with various decals)

④The front wheel is too stretched out.

Although it is not shown in the image, the shape of the engine nozzle part is different from reality.

  1. I made a report on the emblem on the fuselage which was acknowledged.

  2. I will try to update my former report and mention the emblems on the wings.
    Separate report made and acknowledged.

  3. I made a suggestion which was passed to have an alternate standard camouflage without the 204th TFS emblem.

  4. This seems a bit technical so I’d rather not be the one to report this.

You may need to make a separate report, feel free to ask a Tech Mod and they can let you know if a separate report is needed or if it can be added to the existing one

Will do, thanks.

Original report updated.

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Dear Inari-sama
Let me ask you a question.
As far as we military fans can see, it feels like some of the issues raised remain unresolved.

1, There was no problem with correcting the position, but why did the national emblem become smaller?

2, This is also the same as above, but the national emblem is a little smaller.

3 Why is it necessary to have a squadron mark in the first place?

4 Why can’t I report technical issues?I think technical issues should be reported.

I apologize for the long time. that’s all

1, There was no problem with correcting the position, but why did the national emblem become smaller?
2, This is also the same as above, but the national emblem is a little smaller.

The national emblem on the fuselage should not have been bigger than those on the wings.

3 Why is it necessary to have a squadron mark in the first place?

Are you asking me, or Gaijin?

Because I want to make my vehicles look authentic. I don’t want to be forced to use the 204th’s emblem on the F-15J when there are other TFS emblems available.

4 Why can’t I report technical issues?I think technical issues should be reported.

I am literally not stopping you.

Even if the sizes are unified, it feels a little small.
This is because when the intake is lowered, the top of the national emblem protrudes a little, just like in the real photo.


TFS Decals are currently being distributed in-game. By using these, players can add originality to their aircraft. I don’t think you can create originality if you fix 204TFS. Why is Gaijin trying to erase individuality?

Already reported.

I’m glad we were able to make it happen, but the texture of the F-15J is too terrible.
It’s a shame because it’s my favorite aircraft.
There are many users who feel this way.

I see what you are saying about the fuselage emblem. It is possible that it is too small, but if it’s supposed to be the same size as the emblems on the wings IRL then it is also possible that both are too small? I reported it as needing to match the size of the wing emblems, it just made sense to me that way, but it is hard to tell by looking at photos online, maybe the DMM guys can help or we can ask a real F-15J pilot (lol).

It is also possible that they are the correct size, however the variable intake does not go low enough?

I won’t be reporting this again since I think the image in game is close enough to IRL- enough not to cause an eyesore- and I’m pretty sure whoever is editing the default skin is tired of hearing my reports.


The 204th TFS decal on the tail is actually fairly accurate, given that the F-15J we have in game is supposed to represent an early F-15J:



It might be worth reporting that the decal isn’t mirrored to the interior of the tail though

Thanks to you for posting the image, one problem has been established.

This photo is of the F-15DJ. However, I found that the position of the national emblem and caution was closer to the rear of the aircraft.

Also, the person in charge of the skin said he was tired of it, but as a user and an aviation fan, I don’t think it’s okay to leave it unfinished.