Are there any comparison videos of both of them? Or what are the differences in thrust?
I doubt any with the new FM, any that there are were likely from 2022 when they were added
From my usage between a British Mk1 and the Italian Tornado, the Italian is much faster in acceleration and speed and doesn’t get bothered by bomb load as much as the British one does.
That’s good, but what about the GBU-15 on the F-111C, which they promised to tell us about later?
I guess the minimum zoom is a bit worse, and if you mean the gimbal limits or field of regard with fov, it’s the same for Litening and Lantirn.
Anyway I would just like to see Sniper, mainly also for the A-10C.
If it’s that big of a difference then it definitely deserves the newer engines if it used those, I see no reason why it wouldn’t get them
Max speed: 2308kph
RoC: 195 m/s
Max speed: 2005kph
RoC: 177 m/s
GR1 is also slightly heavier as it has slightly more internal fuel
From WT Wiki
about 0.04 lower TWR. which for the Tornado is quite a lot.
See, I had always assumed the GR.1 used the old engines because the GR.4 would be brought in later, which turned out to be correct. In the case here for the F-15E, I wouldn’t be overly bothered if it was clearly an early build, not a combination of older and newer. Now this perfectly sets up an F-15E early version for use as a squadron or future premium. This makes much more sense to me.
So gaijin’s reasoning for this was “balance”?
Britian tax. All British vehicles get a notable nerf for the sake of balance.
So according to tornado data (not the best source)
The 103 has an extra 1,000 lbs of thrust?
Yea that was one of our main arguments, adding 2006+ weapons and 1980s era engines, it was ridiculous
In game they have around 300kgf more than the 101
100%. Was even confirmed above by Smin a minute ago.
The only other difference is we have the Mk13 bombs which take 5 for a base kill vs the Mk83 of the others which takes 6.
But the GR1 is at 11.7 vs the 11.3 of the A200 (italy) and MFG/WTD61 (Germany) despite all the Tornado IDS being identical in Air modes, which is just insane
That’s about the same as my source puts it.
Going by wiki/ingame I dont think its quite that much I dont think, but it feels like quite a bit
This is incorrect. The reasoning was as the GR.4 was always planned to come for the British. So the GR.1 would have the 101s and the GR.4 with the 103.
Except the GR1 and GR4 have a full BR difference.
GR4s existance should have no baring on the GR1s performance, especially as its 11.7 and not 11.3 like the WTD61/A200/MFG.
Its a nerf ontop of a nerf for the sake of it without reasonable justification.
Besides, why doesnt the ASSTA1/MFG/WTD61 have Mk101 engines because they can get the ASSTA3 or the A200/A200A have Mk101s because they can get the A200C. Unless you are saying those late Tornados for Italy and Germany arent coming
Well if the gr4 is getting the engines that’s good, I don’t use any tornados except for the German event one so I can’t speak from personal experience of using both engines
GR4 feels insanely fast compared to the GR1, just a shame its over BRed