F-15E using F100-PW-220s for "Balance" while F-15I has 229s at the same BR

Those limits are x1.5 in game for wing rip


The load factor isn’t the same as the ultimate strength, though

1.5 this structure will eventually collapse.And until then, there will be non-reversible deformations.And the structure will already collapse at a much lower G. There are no restrictions at all in the game

The strength is calculated for a certain weight.Therefore, if the F-15E is loaded with 80,000 pounds, it cannot exceed 5.9G.And not as it is now possible to give out 13G at any weight

It cannot exceed 5.9G without bending the airframe/wings/whatever the limiting component is.*

Wing rip (ultimate load factor) happens beyond the load limit, of which the ultimate load factor being 1.5x the load factor is reasonable, afaik.

Wing rip depends on weight in game too

4*1.5=6. that is, with a weight of 80,000 pounds, when overloaded with 6G, the wing will collapse

I didn’t notice

Just let Israel have something nice for once bruh

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It already does - F-16A Netz, F-16C with both derby and amraams

No one wants to take the engines away from the F-15I. Most people want the 15E to get the better engines and the 15I to receive some more/better standoff weapons.

Israel having a slightly faster F-15 isn’t going to be that bad.

Besides, they had to suffer with the pre-buffed F-15 Baz Mushapar for 3 months.

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I have heard a lot of the opposite, unfortunately. Lots of people do NOT want Israel to have ANYTHING Good.

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Reason not even in top speed - dynamics are way better

Lol brother did you see all of the videos?

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That might be a bug honestly.

Surely, bug of having more thrust…

I did, but top speed rarely matters at top tier.

Israel isn’t even a popular nation. You won’t see them that much.

The 229 engine is better, but I’m pretty sure the drag is bugged. That’s what everyone has said anyway. I’m not really an air guy, but I have some experience with the Mig-29 and such.

Luckily I’m in a decent position. I have both the 111F and 16D researched, so if the 15I is the only one with the better engines I’ll just leave the 15E in the bin and play the actually fun one.