F-15E using F100-PW-220s for "Balance" while F-15I has 229s at the same BR

Will the 229s also mean more ordnance options for the 15I?

Ordinance options are not connected to the engines.

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Didn’t bvvd say that they didn’t want the american f15e to be the best at ground and air at the same time? Wouldn’t ordinance have everything to do with this case? Because both F-15Es are the same asside the ordinance

6 mavericks aren’t game changing for ground rb, I wouldn’t say they make the E that much better than the I for ground

yes they are, thats 6 kills under optimal conditions (not that hard to pull off)

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Now we are getting the 229’s, please go over the the F-15I thread and vote.


They aren’t, pantsirs can shoot them down no problem

Only thing that matter - you can mount anything expect JDAM or AGM-65 as A-G in game without losing a-a missiles on that pylons

good thing every nation and tank is a pansir

With the engines the F-15E/I have, using paveways is gonna be a lot easier since you can climb out of range of any aa systems basically, so the F-15I will still be great at cas. I still do think they should get some ranged weapons though

Neither the Su-34 or F-15Es are going to be balanced.


I’ve figured this since the G91R/3 Revenge kill fiasco. If you can’t beat them, join them. Nothing will change in the foreseeable future.

Yep, just a shame minor nations dont get the same treatment.

Bit late to the change, but this is fantastic, but now the 15I needs it’s A2G ord and everything will be good.


Yep, I was going to have a great time in the F-15E regardless of the engines and was looking forward to it with 220s. To me, the I’s lack of fire and forget weaponry is 100 times more concerning than the thrust difference on the E was before.

Absolutely insane take comparing a lack of mavericks to having 25% less thrust


Watch a comparison of the speed and acceleration of the F-15E compared to the I and tell me if it isn’t that concerning


Think about this:
The F-15E has the capability of bringing an entire CAS load out with a ton of GBUs, 6 Mavs, and 4 extra A2A missiles.
The F-15I can bring a ton of GBUs, and either two dumb bombs or useless GPS bombs and 4 extra A2A missiles or 2 extra GBUs and 0 A2A missiles.
Do you see the issue?

It has the exact same loadout aside from the mavericks, yes I’m aware of that. I do believe Israel should get it’s domestic spice bombs in place of the gbu 39s, or the popeye in place of the mavericks


Alright, thanks for agreeing! Didn’t mean to sound harsh, sorry if I did.