F-15E/I placement in tree

What do you think about the F-15E/I being in the strike/bomber line of their respective tree? as there are many who would say that they belong right after their figher equivalent as they are basically the same thing with a backseat and new bombs and new engines and i am interested to hear your thoughts.

while yes the F-15I was placed in the bomber line as it is a strike aircraft, the kurnass 2000 is too… yet it is labeled as a fighter and even when it lost it’s AIM-7F’s it continued to be in the fighter line. the reason for the kurnass being a fighter was due to it’s air to air performance regardless of it being designed as a strike aicraft, yet the F-15I has brilliant air to air performance yet is going in the strike tree.

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You’re confusing yourself on why/how those aircrafts are placed in Techtree.

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perhaps you could elaborate.

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Most of those designations come from their current use in within forces.

Despite being a secondary Air-Air fighter, the role of F-15E is to complete a ground attack role.

Same goes to Super-Étendard, and Étendard IVM before it.

It is the same story with Kurnass fighter-bomber.

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To me personally, it isn’t surprising that F-15E was placed in Vark line
After all, it was made to replace the Vark

What I do find surprising is that people are surprised to see F-15E in the Vark line


To Cpt_Bel_V

Most of those designations come from their current use in within forces.

yeah but we should obviously put the F-117 or F-105 in the figher line since it’s got F desegnation right??? (looser point i know)

Despite being a secondary Air-Air fighter, the role of F-15E is to complete a ground attack role.

SECONDARY? the F-15I will be the new KING of top tier

Same goes to Super-Étendard, and Étendard IVM before it.

yes but these are only strike, unlike F-15E which is multirole but used in strike capability and doesnt lose any air to air perofrmance unlike other strike modifications in the same idea, like the MIG-23 and MIG-27, where the MIG-27 loses 1/3 to half of it’s missiles compared to the MiG-23 and no longer has BVR capability, similar story with the Mirage-2000D compared to the Mirage-2000C

To TyphoonCro

To me personally, it isn’t surprising that F-15E was placed in Vark line
After all, it was made to replace the Vark

i don’t either but i think there’s a discussion to have about it belonging after the F-15C too

What I do find surprising is that people are surprised to see F-15E in the Vark line

while i understand the counter argument gaijin has been inconsistent about this before, putting the kurnass 2000 (a strike aircraft) after what it was originally developed from


I think the difference between F-15C and F-15E is much greater than just “backseater, new bombs and new engines”

F-15E was made with A2G role foremost with A2A being secondary
But it just so happens that it excels at both


i mean to some extent yes, they could’ve done a hell of a lot more for the air to air department it’s not stunted in any way, unlike other aircraft, one example i have used before is the F-4D which while it doesn’t have the backseater change as it started with one the differences between it and the F-4C are literally the same: smart bombs, new radar, and new engines yet they didn’t call the F-4D the “strike phantom” it’s still just the phantom, they also didn’t take any capabilities away for air to air unlike the kurnass 2000 upgrade, yet the F-4D would go after the F-4C and the kurnass 2000 strike aircraft does go after the original kurnass, now idk which to choose, kurnass 2000 moves to the strike line or the F-15E/I moves to the fighter line but i’m inclined to believe the F-15E/I should move to the fighter line.

while i do say this i am willing to compromise on the fact gaijin just won’t add the B-1B or anything to keep bomber line players interested as they’re certinally not giving them anything interesting like a B-52

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The F-15E and I should stay on the lines they currently are. F-15E replaced the vark’s role and the F-15I main purpose was also Ground Attack


Designation in the US doesn’t reflect the Main role it used to fill, but the category it was designed for.

F-105/F-117 or F-111 were mostly used as Ground attack aircrafts in 'Nam, Kosovo or even Irak.

And they’re known for those roles.

Due to AIM-120A? Every other Fighters got those.
Being KING is not a given thing, even more considering the US F-15E will have AIM-120B.

And as it’s intended to be an export F-15E, and which is due to extended ability of Ground Strike, it makes sense to be in attacker Line.
So it makes sense.

Also this shouldn’t bother many Israelii mains, as they are kinda forced to grind all lines to reach top tier, unlike US Mains.

Of course not,… you don’t know about French Navy aircraft do you?
They were intended to fill as Secondary role Interception and Air-Air combat from times to times as F-8E(FN) weren’t provided in great numbers.

Also the reason why the Super-Étendard was filled with Magic-2 after the S2 standard(by my memory).

Which have been done before the F-8E(FN) was fitted with those Magic-2 (as F-8P modification).

Late 4th gen //4gen+: multirole concept is different.

Mirage 2000D is a specific ground attack variant

Super-Étendard was designed for both, even Wikipedia categorize it as:
“Attack and Hunting Aircraft” in french version.

Understand, F-15I>F-111, F-15I>F-16D, it is totally logical that they are going on attack lines, could the F-15I go on the Kurnass 2000 line? Of course, but we already have the F-15C which is a replacement for the Kurnass and the Kurnass 2000, The Kurnass did indeed become a “strike” aircraft in the IAF after its 2000 modernization, but that was because the IAF already had the F-15 as superior fighters, not because it was not capable.And the F-15E itself is a TOTALLY different change from the F-15A and C, it is focused precisely on Air-to-Ground capability, hence a Weapons Operator, hence a Ground Mapping Radar, hence LGB and Guidance pods, apart from the bunch of ECMs installed (not that it makes any difference in the WT), this is the detailed explanation, unfortunately it’s up to you to accept it or not, my friend, it was made precisely to replace Replace the F-111, not just be an F-15 that drops bombs…


Could go in either line really. If given the 229 engines and the 120C-5s it historical had and uses, it would be a capable A2A platform. It is being forced into the bomber line because Gaijin wants it there and for the F-15C not to be shadowed, which is just asinine in and of itself.

The cherry picking of parts and kit to “balance” a vehicle, is getting old and is doing far more to sour any hype in future updates. Especially when it’s becoming a pattern to bring US aircraft into the game in a gimped. Though it would appear that the British mains are getting the worst of this patch with the massive nerf or half-baked implementation of the Brimstones. The KVT and Puma getting added with no Spikes initially are other good examples of this.

But now, I’m not really looking forward to the F/A-18 because I just know it’ll get the same treatment the F-15E is getting now.


no not really surprising, just like how I expect the legacy hornet to be after the tomcats and the super hornet to be after the harrier

the F-15 it is based on still to this day has 220’s cause most F-15E’s still have 220’s. also when was the last “gimped” us aircraft? rofl


But Aim-120B and Aim-120A is same thing. Like Aim-7M and -7F.
The fact that it has 4 tons more thrust is really important.

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AIM120B is currently better at tracking, even if it’s kinda small improvement, it would make the AIM-120B more dangerous than AIM-120A overall.

Its the same missile, literally the same missile.

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Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

no because like the legacy’s are to the f-15c as the super hornets are to the strike eagles
edit: afaik

The legacy hornet was more strike focused, and was a cheaper multirole to replace the aircraft surrounding the very expensive f14. The super hornet was made as the replacement for f14 and some of the legacy hornets

Legacy hornet USMC would also fit after the av8b

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