F-15 Eagle: Soaring High!

Then there was the F-16A and before that was the tomcat. The Russians haven’t been on top since before the Tomcat. But at least you tried.

I believe it would be more fair if the F-15 was allowed to carry 6 Aim 9m’s like the F16C to make it more fair to the Su-27’s ability for 6 R27ER’s.

f15 could never mount more than 4 sidewinders irl the belly pylons were build solely for sparrows and later amraams

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The A and J aren’t identical
The J heavier But thats it

Can someone explain the differences pros and cons the Japan F-15 compared to the others and why is that.

Of course besides the new missiles.

I think it’s heavier about 500kg, a bit more fuel, and stronger landing gear. That’s about it?
It seems there’s some different about the radar but doesn’t seems like there’s any different right now

You can see a few people point out the different in this post

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Thank you!

You’re welcome